Shipping Is Not Rubbish

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The Fault In Our Stars


It's a metaphor, you see; you put the textbook in front of you, but you don't give it the power to actually teach you anything


It's a metaphor, see: you hold a pen with your homework in front of you, but you don't give it the power to do it's killing


Where can I buy an Ansel Elgort because dayumm


Gus: So your name is Four.

Tobias: Yes. More like a nickname.

Gus: So your name is a metaphor

Tobias: Will you stop


"Ok" and "okay" sound different in my head


*puts metaphor between teeth* it's a cigarette


The TFIOS movie is so close I can almost taste the tears I will cry while watching it


Divergent meets TFIOS:

Tris: Hey! You stole my face!

Hazel: Is that what I look like without my nose nubbins and long hair?

Tobias: Hey, look, it's Caleb.

Augustus: Pardon me?

Caleb: Why do we look the same?

Tobias: Two pairs of Caleb and Tris...

Tris: Well me and Caleb are siblings

Hazel: We're boyfriend and girlfriend

Augustus: *Sticks unlit cigarette in his mouth*

Caleb: Get that out of my mouth! Well your mouth...

Tobias: I'm so confuesed... I need cake.


I hope you realize you being fictional will in no way lesson my affection for you


I swear if teen girls start walking around with unlit cigarettes in their mouths after The Fault In Our Stars movie sh*t will go down


"What if the voice inside your head is your soulmate?"

"Somebody write this novel right now."

John Green: I volenteer!

"Don't volenteer John Green, he will kill the soul mate."

The Maze Runner

At least Newt's story ended with a bang ahahahahahaha


"Why?" Thomas desperately wanted to hear about what happened out in the Maze.

Minho threw his hands up. "Dude. I told you. Patience. Wait for General Alby."

Something in his voice lessened the blow, and Thomas made his decision. He liked Minho.



TMR pickup lines:

• Are you from the Scorch? Because you're sizzling HOT

• Do you have the Flare? Because you're driving me crazy

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