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Here are two easy steps to getting a girl to fall madly in love with you:

1. Read The Fault In Our Stars

2. Act EXACTLY like Augustus Waters.

Girls will come running.

"Always be yourself. Unless you can be Augustus Waters- then always be Augustus Waters."


John Green tweets:

Hey @VeronicaRoth: I have kidnapped your Tris and Caleb. BUAHAHAHAHA.


It's not your fault if you fail. You are made up of billions of cells. It's their fault

The fault in our cells


How to read a John Green book:

Step 1: Read book

Step 2: Finish book

Step 3: Wander around in a confused stupor for a week and question your entire existence and every decision you've ever made


The Fault In Our Stars a.k.a. "You could literally throw this book at my face and it wouldn't hurt nearly as much as the story"


Dear new book,
I know I'll probably finish you in less than a day, but I can't tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity


Interviewer: How is The Fault In Our Stars?

John Green: It's okay

Interviewer: Okay?

John Green: Okay


So John Green revealed that Hazel dies a year later Augustus's death.

I need a moment. And a help. I'm going to cry in a corner.


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
+ The Fault In Our Stars= 17yr old boys with one leg


Before reading TFIOS: ok

After reading: okay


"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Interrupting white girl,"

"Interrupting white girl wh-?"

"The Fault In Our Stars is AMAZING omg I cried."


The TFIOS movie is so close I can almost taste the tears I will cry while watching it

The Maze Runner Jokes:

Me in the Maze:

*runs a few meters*

*gets tired*

*loses breath*

*forgets which way to turn*

*sees Griever*


*falls over*

*screams some more*

*tries to climb vines*


*runs and jumps off The Cliff*

*misses Griever hole*



"But why is Gally in that water tube?"

"He's a mermaid. He has to sleep in the water at night. He was just yelling at Ben to get his waterproof teddy bear."

"Did you not read the book?"

"Don't tell me you didn't read about Gally's mermaid back story"

(Gotta see the trailer to understand this)

OMG= Oh My Grievers


The Maze Runner:

Minho and Newt: no Thomas no

Thomas: yes Thomas yes


Petition to make Newt fan community called the COMMUNEWTY.


I don't know about you, but I really need Newt to say the "Great, we're all bloody inspired" quote in the movie. Like, I need it, you don't understand

If that quote is not in the movie it'll be like my entire life is a lie


School is shuckin piece of klunk

Percy Jackson Jokes:

Spelling Bee:

Teacher: how do you spell perfect?

Me: P-E-R

Teacher: Good- continue.

Me: P-E-R-C-Y J-A-C-K-S-O-N


Percy has a weapen


What do you call a funny Percy?

A Percy Jokeson


Yup, that's all. Short, wasn't it?

I tried to include jokes from books I don't put much jokes of. Hope you liked it!

If you want to give me some NON spoiler jokes, please do. Of any book I know about.

Thanks for the ones who friend me on Pottermore! I accepted. Maybe we can duel sometime! (I suck btw, so that'll be a good chance to win house points :D)

There are a lot of fella Ravenclaws. No wonder we won the House Cup ha! JK

Well, may the odds be ever in your favorrrrrrrrrrrrrjfdkdeskdeldnd

See ya later

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