Jennifer's Interviews!

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(Most of the interviews start a bit random)


Jennifer: Whenever Josh is like "I don't think you should do it like that."

And then I'm like "Oh, really? Do you wanna tell that to my Oscar?"


Josh: You were my first real kiss in a movie though.

Jennifer: Really!?

Jennifer: Oh my god. Was I gentle?

Josh: Nah, it was a little embracing. I'm gonna be honest.


Jennifer: I thought it was going to be easy, 'cause they asked if I could chop wood

Jennifer: And I was like, yeah! Yeah, absolutely

Jennifer: But I can't 'cause apparently it takes strength.

Jennifer: And so I was trying to do it and they said like "Oh, well, we're gonna bring in a body double."

Jennifer: And of course, in Jenifer ears I heard "Yeah, you failed."

Jennifer: So then I got this really competitive, I have this horrible horrible competitive like, mental illness

Jennifer: When all of a sudden I just started going rahhhhhhh like chopping wood like crazy

Jennifer: And they were like "We'd better film this"


Interviewer: How hot are the kissing scenes?

Josh: So hot

Jen: Can We tell them about the snot one?

Jen: OK after the CPR scene, I had this huge snot in my nose

Jen: And when I lean down to kiss Josh, the not sticks to his lip

Jen: And the I'm like *some weird noise* And the snot wobbles

Jen: so yes it's was very hot


(Jen talking about how much she would last in the games)

Jennifer: Oh my god I wouldn't last two seconds

Jennifer: I don't even know how to find water here

Jennifer: I just keep asking for it and it appears. But I don't know how to find it!


Jen: That's like when a waiter comes out with like amazing food

Jen: and you're starving and they make eye contact with you

Jen: and then just walk right past you *makes the annoyed Jennifer face*


Interviewer: When you were reading the book did you picture yourself as Katniss?

Jen: No. I sort of pictured another face with a braid.


Interviewer: Who would say you were the closest to in the cast?

Jennifer: Josh. And Liam, but Josh.


Jen: Yeah we were travelling in first class

Jen: And I always feel like an idiot when I'm travelling in first class because I'm a kid.

Jen: And everyone's got their newspapers out and they're laptops, and I'm just like

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