Lets Talk Books

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Q & A: (Answer in the comments!)

Happy ending or tragedy?

Me: I like both


Pristine pages or notes in the margin?

Me: Pristine pages allllllll the way


Paperback or hardcover?

Me: I mostly have paperbacks (since their cheaper) but I like hardback better because I feel that I don't have to take as much care


Neat on the shelf or towering book stack?

Me: neat on the shelf please


Speed reader or slow and steady?

Me: speed reader. I just want to finish the book to know everything! But I hate it when it's over. I actually don't speed read on purpose


One book at a time or many?

Me: definitely one. It's not that I can't handle them, it's that I like to be in just one book, and worry about one.


Ditch a bad title or finish it out?

Me: Finish it out, just in case it gets better at the end


Bookmark or folded page?



Dust jackets- on or off?

Me: off, I don't want to wrinkle them.


Buy with Original cover or movie cover?

Me: I like the original cover better. But if I could buy both, I'd have both


Divergent stuff:

Tris: Oh my god Peter you need to stop being so mean

Peter: fine I'll try to be a butter person.



Tobias: come on Tris, hit the target, it's easy

Tobias: you could almost say...

Tobias: It's a piece of cake



Tobias: I want peace

Tobias: a piece of cake


Normal people: OMG #yoloswag

Peter: OMG #yolostab


Friend: What's it like to read Divergent?

Me: *punches them in the face*









Petition for Francis Lawrence to direct Insurgent and Allegiant


Four: My name is Four.

Christina: What? Like the number four?

Four: Yes.

Christina: What? One, two and three were taken?


Al Will Tris Christina
Will Tris Christina
Tris Christina

Tris: The bleach was supposed to make me clean, we're supposed to trust the bleach

Tori: the bleach didn't work on you

Tori: they call it, Detergent


Tobias: I don't wanna have just one name

Tobias: I wanna be Tom, and Paul, and Jerry, and Bob, and Fredrick.

Tris: that's beautiful

Tobias: I'm still struggling with Fredrick.


Best part of the Divergent movie:

Peter: It's not like your actually gonna shoot me

Tris: Why do people always say that? *shoots him*


Uriah: I'm fabulous

Peter: I'm stabulous


Caleb Prior is the reason I have trust issues


Theo James is



Tomorrow is a special day!
*whispers* it's my birthday!
Weee (May 2nd)

Next chapter is gonna be exciting! It's going to be special *winks*

QOTC: (The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials SPOILERS):

Who do you ship?

Teremas= Thomas and Teresa

Brenmas or Trenda= Brenda and Thomas

Or Tomho? What? Minho and Thomas? It could be IDK xD

Well in my opinion I go with Tomho 😂 I've only read TMR and TST and I'm reading TDC so please no spoilers after TST. PLEASE (Update: I finished them already)

Reason why I ship two guys: after reading TST, god I just hate Teresa, even if it was an act. I just feel like I will never feel the same about them. And Brenda, I like her. If I had to choose between Brenda and Teresa I'd say Brenda. But the reason I ship him with Minho is not because I actually want them together, I want them as best besties forever friends. Haven't you seen how Minho gets all happy when he sees Group B didn't kill Thomas. That's real love right there ❤ xD. But really, Minho is always the first one to greet Thomas. And when he saved Thomas from those Cranks with guns.
So I guess it's not a ship, but a friend vacation on a ship. Or something. Okay I'll shut up.

May the Flare not be in your head...

Bye shanks!

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