Sasuke X Fem!Reader [Song One Shot] (Naruto) {Fix These Broken Pieces}

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Hey guys! So like right now I'm in love with this song call Broken Pieces by 5 Seconds Of Summer! If you have been with me sense July and you read my Boruto one shots's then you know that they're my second favorite band. Even though I listen to them more than my favorite band........

I woke up in the place we started
Your clothes on the floor in that old apartment
I never thought you'd leave with out a trace

Two weeks, just fourteen days. It's been that long since Sasuke asked me to marry him. I thought he would never marry me cause I'm a freak. I was standing in the bathroom, in the apartment we shared until we buy a house.

Sasuke came in a wrapped his arms around my waist. I know he was tried, it was a long day for both of us. I was about a head shorter than Sasuke, but too him that's a lot. He rested his head on top of mine. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"The mission I'm going on tomorrow. I hope I don't get a vision again tonight. They keep getting worse and worse." I said, looking down, away from the mirror that was before us.

"You mean more accurate? I thought that when you looked into the future it's about a fifty-fifty chance that it could be wrong or right."

"So did I," I sighed, "why can't we just sleep all day tomorrow! You just got back home! Why does Naruto have to send me on this mission now?"

Sasuke spun me around, " look up, I want to see my fiancé's beautiful face."

I leaned my forehead on to his chest. "You know I think I'm a freak. Why do you have to call me that?"

"Because your not. Your power has saved the village many time, that includes my life." Said Sasuke.

"I guess...." I looked up at him, "thanks Sasuke. Anyway, let's go to bed, I wanna sleep."

Sasuke chuckled, "of course, you do."

I hit arm, and walked out of the bathroom. "Just leave your clothes on the floor and change, I'll get them when I get back from my mission."

Sasuke nodded, and laid down in bed with me. "Good night." He said.

"Night, I won't be here when you wake up. Just know that I love you." I said, and closed my eyes.

"I love you too." Sasuke whispered.

I got up the next morning, it was the worst vision I've had in my life. I left quickly, without saying good bye to Sasuke. Who was still sleeping.

I can't shaking this sinking feeling
I know you're not there and I'm barley breathing
Holding onto the things I can't replace

As I was walking to Naruto's office, I put my hand on the sword Sasuke gave me. It was the sword that he gave me when he asked me to marry him. He said that "a ring is to basic, I'll give you my sword if you marry me?"

I always smile when I see the sword. I was one of the top ninja in the whole village. So it was a surprise when Naruto told me I was going on a b-rank mission.

"We don't know how dangerous this mission really is. It could turn out to be a s-rank mission. If you don't come back in less than twelve days, Sasuke and myself will come looking for you. Does Sasuke know about the mission?"

I shook my head, "I was gonna tell him this morning as I was getting read. But my vision from my dream last night felt too real. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him." I replied, looking him in the eye.

"It was that bad, huh?"

I nodded me head but didn't say anything.

"Well, just be very careful, and be on the look out for assassins. Not that I need to tell you that, right."

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