Jealous!Karma X Reader (Assassination Classroom) {Make Him Jealous}

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It is once again time for the red head that made Karma his bitch (see what I did there... no....okay) to appear again!

Edit February 3, 2021: Actually shocked by this but this one shot shouldn't have any pronouns or indications of gender for the reader. If you see anything that does please let me know and I will correct it.

I walked into the classroom right when the sun was rising. Where the hell is Karma? He should be here by now. Then again, knowing him he's trying to scare me. 

"Hey dumbass! Are you here yet?" I shouted.

No response, not even a small noise.

"I think I'm in love with Nagisa!" A small noise came from another classroom, I smirked.

"Yeah you know I love his blue and he's a much better assassin than Karma would ever be." He was in the closet in the room next door. 

I went over and slammed my fist onto the wall. On the other side is the closet he's hiding in.

"I bet he's a way better kisser too." I shouted, "too bad I don't have the guts to tell him! After all it's just me and the walls." 

Karma bursted into the classroom, his eyes fixed in a glare. "What. The. Hell." He huffed.

I smiled, "it's about time you showed up. I was thinking about calling Nagisa to come help me instead."

"You know I hate it when you tease me like that." He said.

I walked over to him, "aw, poor Karma." I said in the voice you would talk to a baby in. "I'm so sorry."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." He walked over to the other side of the classroom.

I smiled, knowing that he was all worked up now. Today will be lots of fun. After all I'm going out with the man who made karma his bitch. Who knew he could get so jealous. Very easily.

We set up the new trick to assassinate Koro Sensei and then waited until he would arrive.

"I asked Nagisa about how to attack Koro Sensei, and wow he takes such good notes! And I thought that he was such a good assassin before but now wow!" I said like a fan girl would. "He's smart and hot you don't get both of those traits too often." I said, emphasizing some of the words to make a bigger effect on Karma.  

That was a lie. We all know that Karma is smart but also hot.

I looked over at his face, my best innocent face was on. "Oh yeah, why don't you just make out with him already." He huffed, looking out the window.

"Karma," I whined, "don't give me the silent treatment now." 

He didn't even move, "Karma." I said again, this time dragging out his name.

"Are you really just gonna ignore me like this?"

He got out a box of his famous strawberry milk, and punched the straw through the hole.

"Fine then, I guess I'll find out how much of a bitch Karma really is." I said, walking out of the room, being carful enough not to trip the trap.


Turns out today in gym class we were assigned teams to play "kill the other side." As you can tell me the name, last team standing wins.

It just so happened that I was put on the same team as Nagisa. "Hey (y/n)," he called, "what's up with Karma? He seems really pissed at me."

"Oh that? Yeah that's because of me. Don't worry he won't hurt you," I put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him close to my ear.

"I need you to play along with me, don't make any movements." I told him all about this morning, "so I today I'm making him very very jealous because well, you know how we are."

"Yeah you guys like to mess around and blackmail people. No wonder you guys work so well." He replied.

"Will you play along? It's up to you, it just would be more fun for me if you did."  I asked.

"I guess, as long as Karma doesn't beat my ass." He replied with a chuckle.

"Like I  said, he won't. He's not mad at you, for now anyway."

The plan was simple, Nagisa would take down as many people as possible with me while Karma would watch.

How would Karma watch? We made it clear to everyone that we would be teaming up, and from what happened this morning, Karma would be watching to make sure I won't "try anything." I know all that stuff I said but let's be honest, no let's look at the facts. Karma is way hotter, smarter and probably a better kisser than Nagisa. Better assassin? Yeah lets not get into all that.

It turns out that Karma and I were the only ones who didn't get tagged. Nagisa and I had to spilt up after awhile.

"Looks like this is something everyone is dying to see." Karma said,  standing in one spot.

I stopped a few feet away from him, "aren't you mad at me? How I've been talking about no one else other than Nagisa the whole day?"

He laughed, "I know that you're only doing this to get a rise out of me..." he trailed off.

I cocked my head to the side, knowing that he was going to strike next.

"And it's working!" 

I tagged him before he got to me. We had paint on our ani-Koro knifes. I was blue and Karma was red. 

"Well that's that." I said, walking away. Karma grabbed my hand that usually he'd carry his knife in. I looked around and saw the knife on the ground.

"Why did you want to get a rise out of me today? It can't be just because you're a bitch and all." He asked.

I smiled at him, "but it is. You're been messing around with me too, you know? Since before we were dating. It's about time I got some pay back. I knew that you wouldn't give any of this a second thought if it was anyone else."

He leaned in and we kissed, "wanna ditch when we get back?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm feeling that sweet shop by the train station, do you know the name of it?"

"Sweet train I think?" He answered as we walked back to our teachers and classmates to show them which team had won.

Yeah I think this is random post week. As you can tell since this is my... I don't know what day in a row. Don't get used to it or anything. I'm off of my break on Thursday so then we will be back to random updates! But I want to post as much as I can! Of course I LOVE writing at night so that's why I think have my readers wake up and see that I've posted something. I don't know.

Question: what country do you live in? If you don't want to answer then, are you asleep when I post?

I just want to know so I'll have an idea of how many people are awake when I post. I usually go to sleep right after I post but today I got done early so I'm just gonna go to sleep early. I've gotten off my normal sleep pattern that I need to fix before I go back to school.


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