Stein X Weapon! Fem!Reader (Soul Eater) {Learning Emotions}

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This is a request!

I entered Stein's lab, not wanting to know what kind of experiments he is doing today. "Hey! Lab rat! Where are you!" I called from the door way.

"In here!" He called, "I won't hurt you, this time!"

I rolled my eyes and proceeded inside the lab. "Got a new experiment?" I asked, standing in the door way of the room Stien was in.

"Not today, unless-"

"Not a chance," I cut him off, "I'm not going to be one of your lab rats today." I noticed the cover of the book he was reading. "'How to love' really?"

"What do you mean 'really?'" He asked, "I am curries about it, that's all."

"You mean, why you don't feel it?" I replied, "maybe you should talk to others." I started walking over to the window to open the blinds, "or at least let some fresh air in." Turning back around, only to be meet with Steins chest. "What the hell are you doing?"

"The book said that people like being close to other people, is that correct?"

"True for most, but not for everyone. Now if I didn't know who you were then," I changed my arm into a blade, "you would have lost a limb."

He grabbed a notepad and started to write down what I was saying.

"You have to have some love in you. Like you love science, right? Why else would you live in a lab."

"It's easier to just live here, beats having to travel from the school, back to a house and then to a lab. Money saver too." Stien replied.

"I mean the practice. You love to study science." I replied with a sigh.

"I guess that's true." Said the scientist, "but I don't feel that. What should I be feeling?"

"Well, your heart could start racing, hands start to shake, you feel like you're going bounce off the walls."

"'Bounce off the walls?' What do you mean by that?" He wrote down the question as he asked.

"You started jumping up and down, if you were a kid that is. You become very excited." I answered, now leaning up against the stone cold wall.

"I heard a few students talk about going on dates, what would you do on a date?"

I scoffed at him, "really? I know you had a girlfriend back in our academy days."

He laughed, "well I'll be damned, you really did watch over everyone."

"What the hell does that mean?"

The man laughed, "you liked me back then, did you?" He asked, stepping closer to me.

"What about it?" I challenged, "why should that matter to you?"

"Because you always wanted to pick my brain about something. When really you wanted to be friends with me, correct?"

"Correct. But why should that matter?"

He was once again close to me. "Cuddling? What is that?"

I gave him a puzzled look, "you had a girlfriend. Did you guys even look at each other?"

"Yes, but why does that have to do with my question?"

I laughed, "most couples back then couldn't keep their hands away from each other. I'm a little surprised you two didn't."

"Well not all of us make out like animals." He replied, "now, what is cuddling?"

I sighed, changing my arm back into a blade, "first off back up. Personal space is nice." Stein backed up and I continued. "Basically it's when two people hug for a long period of time. Sleeping on the couch or standing up, it's the same thing."

"So like this?" He asked before wrapping his arms around me, "but for a long period of time?"

I chuckled, "guess so."

"Never had someone to cuddle before?" He asked, "you seem a but taken back."

"Most people don't just suddenly hug someone you know." I replied. 

"Well I'm not like most people, I live in a lab and teach at a school. I also experiment on people as well as myself. Some call me a mad man, but that does not matter to me." Stein said, "doesn't matter to you, as I can tell from this experience."

I shook my head and hugged him back, "it's nice to have someone every once in awhile." I replied, "what made you want to try this?"

"To see your reaction and if you really hurt me." He replied, pulling me a little closer, "plus I wanted to experience this with you."

"So this is your way so saying that you like me and also an experiment?" I asked.

"I suppose it is," he said, "but it's working. You haven't moved since I pulled you closer to me."

We stood there for awhile, talking about his next experiment and the state of the academy. The sun faded away and we moved to the couch. He held me as we drifted off to sleep.

Not 100% sure if this is what the requester wanted but I ended up changing my plan half was through the writing process. Meaning I decided to sleep and then finish writing it today. Thank you so much to the requester for requesting and I will see you guys later!


Anime One Shots Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt