Ghost! Neji X Ghost! Fem!Reader (Naruto) {Making Ships Sail}

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This is what happens when I am all out of ideas, and thought that this will be fine. I think someone asked for a Neji one shot (since I have never done  one, sorry Neji) so here it is!

Also in the post before this one is where you can tell me what you like to see or what you don't like to see. Please go do that, most of them are yes and not questions. Thank you!

If you have ever played Persona 5 or have seen the school, that's what I am picturing fro the school setting. For the tree area, I think there is an area like that in Yandere Simulator. I could be wrong, it's been a while since I've watched Markiplier play it. 

By the way, all ships being used are cannon ships. Why? Because they are cannon.

Please don't start shipping wars. Thank you.

"Why are we doing this agin?" Neji asked, clearly annoyed.

"We'll it's not like they are going to get together themselves!" (Y/n) exclaimed, "stop complaining and help me!"

"Sure just one question, why are you hiding behind a tree?" He asked.

"So they don't see me, duh!" (Y/n) replied, motioning for Neji to hide too. 

"We're dead (Y/n), they can't see us." Neji sighed, "haven't you learned that already."

"But what if there's a dog around here and they can smell us?" (Y/n) asked, "the world is a weird place you know."

Neji walks over and looks at the ship, "so what's the plan?"

(Y/n) smiles, "glad to see you on board."

"Just answer the question."

"Fine, fine, jeez. We need to climb this tree," (Y/n) points to one of the higher branches, "and shake the branch. That way petals will fall during their confession scene."

"You've watched too much anime, well you did anyway." Neji said in a monotone voice, "but whatever you say."

"Now, let's get climbing!" Cheered (Y/n) who started to climb the tree.

"Like I said, too much anime." He started and started climbing the tree. "I hope this is worth it."

"Lighten up already! We're dead after all, there's not much we can do here." (Y/n) said, "just have fun."

"This isn't my idea of fun." 

"Well you better get used to doing stuff like this, we are going to make ships sail!" (Y/n) cheered, almost falling out of the tree. Good thing the two were already resting on a branch.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with already. Who are you shipping anyway?"

"Naruto and Hinata. You know the classic loud month, hot headed boy and the shy, soft girl. But Hinata will throw hands, I've seen it happen before back in junior high..." (Y/n) trailed off as Naruto made his way over to the tree.

"Get your head out of the clouds, Naruto is coming this way. Why do I have to help a family member get together with a guy she likes? This is weird you know." Neji complains. 

"Just shut up and help me! Go to another branch on this side!" Neji glares at the (h/c) but does it without another word.

After a few minutes, Naruto is standing in front of the tree while Hinata comes into view. "Neji, a challenger is approaching!"

"Stop speaking in memes." He sighs.

"I would if I could, wait just a little longer." (Y/n) says, smiling at him before looking back to the view of the soon to be couple.

Hinata is now closer to Naruto and the shipping squad. "Now Neji!" (Y/n) shouts and they both began to shake the tree branches. The petals started to fall elegantly down, just what (Y/n) was hoping would happen. 

Hinata looks up an awe as Naruto began to walk over to her with a smile. "Perfect timing right?"

"Yeah it's beautiful. So what did you want to ask me?" Hinata said, moving her attention back over to the blonde.

"Neji stop!" (Y/n) commanded, "get over here! You can hear them from here!"

"No thanks, I'll stay over here." He replies and mumbles something about getting a family member to together is creepy and weird.

"Suite your self." (Y/n) replies, going back to listing in on what Naruto and Hinata are saying.

"Yes." Hinata nodded and Naruto picks her, spinning her around. 

"Now Neji! Shake those tree branches! Shake them like you mean it!" (Y/n) laughs.

"Please stop talking." Neji says in an annoyed tone,  but does it anyway.

Naruto and Hinata kiss before walking off of school grounds, holding hands. 

"Mission accomplished." (Y/n) said, heading over to where Neji is to give him a high five. Neji glares at the (h/c) but completes thee high five. "Now about our next target-"

"We're doing this again?" Neji complains.

"Just one more time. Next week, a girl is going to overwhelm Shikamaru with a love confession while Temari is visting the school. We can not let that girl complete her confession!" (Y/n) yells, "and I need your  help to do it!"

"Fine, but only because I'm not related to them. What do I have to do?" Neji agrees to listen to the (h/c) again.

"All you have to do is watch out for Temari and yell when she is close to Shikamaru and the confession girl." (Y/n) explains, "easy right?"

"And what will you be doing?" Neji asks as (Y/n) jumps out of the tree with him following.

"I'll be on top of the roof with a huge bucket of water, ready to be dumped on the confession girl." (Y/n) rubs her hands together in a devilish way.

"Why do you know all of this will happen?" Neji asks.

"I saw the future when I died." (Y/n) replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Why did I ask you out back then?" Neji facepalmed. 

"Because you like me." Replied the cheery (Y/n), kissing him on the cheek. "See you in one week!" She waved and ran off to go find the largest bucket in the city.

~(_-_)~ One week later ~(-_-)~ 

"Neji!" (Y/n) shouted from the roof top, "are you ready!"

"Yeah! Let's get this over with already!" He shouted back as he walked beside Temari, "she about  to come around the building corner!"

"Thank you! Now watch and learn about the power of shipping!" The ship crazy (Y/n) shouted and poured the bucket of water on the love confessing girl. The girl screamed and ran away just as Temari appeared.

"What was that all about?" The blonde haired girl asked.

"Nothing but a drag." Shikamaru sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"Wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after school, since I can't find Gaara anywhere." 

"Sure, we can get BBQ when school gets out. Meet up here?" Shikamaru asked.

"Yeah, sounds good." Temari replied with a smile.

(Y/n) jumped off the roof, "you better catch me!" She yelled and fell into Neji's arms. "Love you." 

Neji smiled, "love you too, crazy."

Have to end this now since I have to go meet up with my family in a few short minutes. Wanted to have this posted before I left. I hope you guys like it and I'll see you guys later.


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