Yuri And Victor X Daughter! Reader (Yuri On Ice) {We Support You}

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Hey guys! This one is a request that is genius! I would have never thought of this!

I was adopted by two of the worlds best ice skater in the world. The only funny thing is that I can't skate, at all. I've tried to, so I would make my Fathers happy, but it didn't work. The last time I tried I fell down ten time trying to jump, twenty times trying to spin around, and eleven times just trying to skate.

"You know," my Father, Victor, voice said in my head, "if this isn't your dream, then don't do it. Don't do something if it's not what you want to do."

That's what he told me the last time I tried skating. He was right, that wasn't my dream. I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to save people's lives. Plus if anyone that I cared about got hurt I could help them.

I'm in med school now, studying my best to make my Fathers proud. They always tell me that I can be whatever I want to be, but I don't want to let them down.

It's the last part of the year, you know what that means. Exams, the only thing I fail every time. I was living in the dorms, today was the last day of exams.

As I was walking to class when my phone went off, my Father Yuri was texting me.

"Hey kiddo! I just wanted to say good luck on your exams! If you already started I'm sorry!"

I smiled, but didn't say anything back. Later on today they will tell us what we got, I'll text him back what I got.

I walked into the classroom, sat down, and took my exam. My eyes were on the paper for at least a hour and a half, until the teacher calls time. We two minutes to take a brain break, I never saw the point of this.

My mind drifted off to somewhere else during that time, before I wanted to be a doctor.

I was running, fast and far. Like nothing could hold me back, it was me against the world. It was right before high school, I ran track. I was the third fastest on the school team. We were at the national track race, it took two days to get here.

It was the last lap, I was almost there. The fastest girl was neck and neck with another girl from a school near here. The girl tripped my teammate, so the girl won. My teammate's leg was bleeding in three different places. I couldn't do anything to help her, that's why I want to be a doctor. That way I can always help someone.

We the teacher called time, everyone sat back down, and went back to there exams. The exam ended three hours later, I went back to my dorm, and stared to eat (something sweet that you pick to go here).

It was seven o'clock when they sent out a email to everyone in the school.

'Dear student, your score on your exam that you took (today's date) is now posted in your classroom. It will be there until (the date three days from now). Thank you for choosing (school name).'

I was really nervous about my exam score. If I didn't make it I will have to pay four whole years worth of classes again. Plus I didn't want to let my Fathers down.

I took my phone off the charger, put my ear buds in, and played (favorite band) and stared walking to the classroom.

When I got there, most of my classmates didn't pass. Or they didn't look happy that they passed. I walked up to the board, where the test scores were posted. There were to lists on the board, one of them said 'passed', the other said 'failed'. There was about fourteen people that passed, everyone else failed.

I looked at the failed side, and then the passed side, then walked away, trying to keep a straight face. When I got out of the building, I went to my car. I drove to my Fathers house, they told me the day before that they will be home if I had time to come by and see them.

I pulled up into their driveway, and got out of the car. I went up to the door and knocked. Victor came to the door, and hugged me, "how did you do?" He asked.

"I'll tell you and dad together. Is he here?" I replied, bracing myself for their reaction.

"Yes, he's here. Come on in! I'll get some wine and the you can tell us." Father Victor said.

I walk into the living room, that's were father Yuri was. He was sitting in the couch watching T.V.

"(Y/n)!" Yuri shouted, got up, and hugged me.

"Hey Father." I said and hugged him back, "Father said he was getting wine and then I'll tell you my score."

"I don't care what you made, ok? I'll be proud that to got through med school." Yuri said.

Victor came back with the wine and got us a glass each. They sat down in the couch, and I was stilling standing.

I chugged my glass and waited for them to finish. They were done seconds after I was, "ok, are you guys ready?" I asked, they both nodded there heads.

"Just to let you guys know, there was two lists. The failed list was longer than the passed list....." I said, looking down at the ground.

"(Y/n)," Victor started, "no matter what we are going to be proud of you. If you failed try again, if you passed your one huge step closer to your dream."

I took in a deep breath and let it out, "I made it."

They both jumped up and hugged me, "we are so proud of you!" The both shouted, and hugged me.

We were like that for a little while, until they pulled back, "so what are you going to do next?" Victor ask.

"Well," I paused, "I was thinking about moving over seas...."

They both smiled, "that's a great idea!" Victor said, "I agree, go I've your dream." Yuri said.

I hugged them again, thanks guys, I love you." I said.

"Love you too." They both said.

I'm really really really sorry that this is really really late! Please forgive me!

-Dragneel out

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