Kuroo x Shy! Male! Reader (Haikyuu!!) [Soulmate AU] {The Masked Singer}

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This is a request! The gif has NOTHING to do with this but this is the only gif I have of Kuroo so...

"Why is that guy so weird?" Mumbles a friend if Kuroo's.

"Who?" Asked another.

"That kid who's always wearing a mask." The friend answered.

"Who cares." Kuroo grumbles, "just kick the ball already."

Today they had a free gym class period. Meaning they could do whatever they pleased as long as they were outside. Kuroo and some of his friends decided to play keep away with a basketball. A freshly pumped basketball at that. 

The group of friends sprinted after the ball, determined to get it first. "Kuroo-kun!" A girl shouts from the sidelines, "do you have to practice today?" A girl asks him with her friends behind her. 

"Yeah I do, sorry." He says, not even looking at her as he continues to run with his friends. The girl frowns and returns talking to her fiends.

"You know," one of the girl's friends starts, "'I hear that (Y/n) has never taken off his mask before."

"Really?" Asks another.

"Yeah," she nods, "he never talks too. I don't think I've ever heard him speak and we've been in the same class since middle school."

"But what about when the teacher calls on him?"

Kuroo and friends were now an ear shot away from where the girls were chatting at.

"He has the most insane luck! He never gets called on!"

Kuroo frowns slightly, he doesn't like people talking about other behind their back. After all, his best friend has to deal with the same thing. Kuroo now had possession of the basketball but his friend was determined to win it back. 

In a moment of desperation, Kuroo kicks the ball out of bounds and it rolls over towards the trees. "Oi Kuroo!" A friends shouted, "you kick it you run after it!" His other friends snickered.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know!" He shouts back, running in the direction the ball had went.

The ball had been picked up by none other than (Y/n). Kurro notices this and stops a little ways way from him. (Y/n) sits the ball back on the grounds and passes it to him. Kuroo nods as a "thank you", smiling at him, and returns to his friends.


After a long day of being a middle schooler, Kurro was the last one to leave volley ball practice. He was starting to wonder why his playing was a little off today. His spikes just were hitting right nor was he getting in his usual blocks.

That's when he remembered, he had been wondering about his classmate (Y/n). The boy who never talks. Well not ever, Kurro knows he can talk. He had passed by the teachers office a few times to see him speaking. Though he could never hear what he was saying.

They have been classmates for awhile now. Ever since elementary school in fact. Kenma has spoken to him once or twice, he thinks but can never recall what his voice sounded like.

A few times, back in primary school, (Y/n) would help some of the other students around him. Like if they needed help spelling a word or solving a math equation. A few times, he had over heard his choir teacher say what a wonderful voice he had. But Kuroo was always out sick on those days, never once hearing this "angel like" voice from his classmate.

Kurro had noticed that (Y/n) was always tapping his foot durning class. Once he swore (Y/n) was writing down lyrics to a song back in middle school. He figured it was for his choir class and brushed it off. Still, he wondered if he could play any instruments. Or how he and Kemna met.

He decides to push away those thoughts and memories, locking the club room and return home for the day. "Jeez," he mumbles, "the sun is already half way set..." He looks around the campus, "there's no one here either..."

He takes a few steps before hearing, "Shining through the clouds, it goes on forever!"

Kuroo stops in his tracks, the voice was as clear as day. He is frozen as the singer continues, "We pick up the pieces of a dream!"

The captain franticly pulls up his sleeve, reveling the songs lyrics. His head then shoots up and starts looking around to find the singer. His cat eyes scanned the area until he found the singer. They were getting closer to the front gate, Kuroo would have to make a break for it before the singer disappeared into the Tokyo streets. 

"Changing loneliness into hope, a whisper guides me!"

Kuroo had finally caught up with the singer, "To take the next step forward!" He grabs the singers hand, "the beginning of our story..." the singer trails off.

Kuroo, now out of breath, lifts his head up and smiles. "You are absolutely memorizing." He chuckles and lets go of his hand, showing off his arm. "My wrist wasn't big enough to show off your amazing voice." He chuckles awkwardly again.

(Y/n) looks down at his arm and realizes that he should check his arm too. Then again, it's not like he hadn't memorized what was written on his wrist the moment he learned how to read. He pulls up his sleeve and shows his soulmate mark.

The two newly found soulmates look at each other dead in the eye and smile. "You might not know me, but I'm Tetsuro Kuroo." He offers his hand out for (Y/n) to shake.

"I know who you are, Kuroo." He shakes his hand as Kuroo chuckles awkwardly again, "I'm (full name) but I think you know that already."

"I'm so happy I finally got to hear your voice." Kuroo smiles, pulling down his sleeve and they start walking out of the school gate.

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) asks.

"I always heard what a wonderful voice you had since primary school! 'He has the voice of an angel!' our choir teacher would always say." Kuroo explains, "sorry that was weird. I'm not usually this awkward..."

"Seems like Kemna has rubbed off on you," (Y/n) smiles. Kuroo could only tell but the was his face changes around his eyes, the mask he wore covered everything else. "Let's just hope you don't get sick of hearing me sing."

This may be the most awkward thing I've written since I had first started writing. I just don't know how to make them interact without them noticing things about each other!!! Tired to make this as long as I possible could but like, I don't know how to make them go on a date either!!!!

I've been writing too much for school and not enough fanfics. Yep, I'm so rusty at this holy crap.

~I guess I should explain somethings~

1. Kuroo had ALWAYS noticed (Y/n) and had always heard about him BUT never heard him talk. Making this was kind of a challenge since usually the characters talk a lot in my one shots.

2. The first scene was my way of telling you, the reader, about you, in the one shot. I don't like saying shit like "hi my name is (y/n) and I am shy!" like nah my that just isn't my thing.


4. Lastly, I wasn't sure if I could make (Y/n) into music or not. Besides just singing of course which is why I only added a little bit of it in here.

I asked the request what kind of song they would want (Y/n) to sing, cause I didn't want to pick one they didn't know, you know? And they said Cloudy Day from Actors/Connect and here is the song below~

Alright this a/n is too long and I'm gonna go to sleep now


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