Toshinori Yagi(All Might) X Male!Reader(My Hero Academia){Are You Gonna Kiss Me}

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This is a request! The requester asked for Toshinori but I added All Might in the title so people will know who I'm talking about. So, for that reason, no this will not be about All Might the hero but Toshinori. You'll see what I mean~ also sorry for the title. being so weird, I tried to fit in as such as possible with the 80 CHARACTER limit. Why must you do this to me, Wattpad?

It was a cool summer night on the Yagi's house roof. The stars were hard to see with all the city lights around but you could still make out a few. 

"So, I heard you got into UA, huh?" Toshinori said.

"Yep!" Beamed the cheerful (Y/n). "I worked so hard to get where I am now so why stop here! I want to become a hero so badly. I want to save everyone and just make people happy and feel safe."

Toshinori always admired him for this. (Y/n) was always a pure hearted person, not matter what challenges his has faced. He was always looking out for others and putting them before himself. It's true, Toshiori, the quirkiness boy, had fallen for his friend.

"But I know I can do it," (Y/n) looks at his friend, "after all I'll have you as a supporter." He smiles.

"I wish I could fight by your side." Toshinori frowns, "we would be the perfect duo."

(Y/n) chuckles, "yeah, we would be. And we can still be a duo." Toshinori's face lights up in the darkness. "I know it's not how we imagined it but maybe, I dunno, we can get a job at the same agency? I know a desk job is boring as hell but it might not be so bad?"

Toshinori puts a hand on his shoulder, "if I had to do anyone's paper work, I would want to do yours, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) sniffes and rubs his eyes, as if he was crying. "Thank you, Toshinori. You have no idea how much that means to me." He fake cries, acting all dramatic.

"Hey, we were having a nice moment."

"Yeah but comic relief, you know?"

Toshinori chuckles, removing his hand. "Yeah yeah yeah."

They sat in silence for a moment, only the cicadas making noise.

"Hey," (Y/n) broke the silence, "I know this is a stupid girly this to say, but can you promise me something?"

"Yeah of course." Toshinori replied, "as long as it's safe and legal of course."

(Y/n) chuckles, "I can guarantee your safety, I mean, this is me we're talking about." He looks out at the scenery, avoiding Toshinori's gaze. "Promise me that you'll stay by my side. No matter what."

"(Y/n)," Toshinori said, placing his hand on top of his. "Are you gonna kiss me or not?"

(Y/n) was surprised, "......"

Toshinori was always known to be on the shyer side. He was never super outgoing and often felt inferior to those around him. He was a quirkiness middle schooler with decent grades. He was boney and lacked any sort of muscle. Some think that he had some sort of medical condition that caused this.

But here he was, being bold and brave. "I know that I like you. And I think that you like me too?"

(Y/n) leaned in closer, making sure Toshinori hadn't changed his mind. He knows how important consent is to everyone and knows better than to kiss someone without asking. In this situation, Toshinori is the one who asked, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

When Toshinori leaned in closer, (Y/n) connected their lips into a kiss. He pulls away slowly, "who knew you could be so bold." He chuckles.

"Oh shut up." Toshinori replies, reconnecting the kiss.


"Hey, (Y/n)?" Toshinori asked, squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

"Hum?" He hummed in response.

"I'm sorry for never telling you about my quirk." Toshinori says, "I know that you feel betrayed and hurt because I disappeared so many times out of nowhere without telling you and I'm so sorry."

The crosswalk symbol changes, and people around the couple start moving to the other side of the street, but thee two stayed put. The light changed back, cars started racing passed them. No one was around them anymore.

"Toshinori," (Y/n) tugged on his hand to make his boyfriend at least glance at him. "You have never betrayed me. I don't know where you would even get that thought from. And yes, it did hurt when you would blow me off or not respond for a few days. But I trust you more than anyone in this world. I knew you had your reasons and if you wanted to tell me then you would. But please don't feel like you have too. Some secrets are best left unsaid, right?"

(Y/n) gives Toshinori a reassuring smile, completely shutting out all of his doubts and fears about their relationship. "It's our final year in high school." Toshinori said after a moment of silence. "Anything you would like to do?"

The crosswalk light finally changes and (Y/n) smiles, "well there's only one thing I can really think of..."

They are now in the middle of the cross walk, only a few seconds remaining.

"And what's that?" Toshinori asks, but regrets it as soon as (Y/n) moves in front of him, getting down on one knee. "Oh..." He mumbles.

"Toshinori Yagi, the love of my life, the reason why I get out of bed in the morning, the reason why I train harder, the one who had been supporting me since we we on the same team randomly in junior high, the one who is my everything. Will you marry me?"

The light changes and cars start slowly approaching them. They stop a little ways away from them, honking their horns.

Toshinori smiles brightly, "are you gonna kiss me or not?" He asks, "I love you so much." (Y/n) practically jumps up and kiss his now fiancé. 

Yells were heard from the surrounding cars as (Y/n) slipped the wedding band he bought onto Toshinori's finger. They kissed again, (Y/n) flipping off all the cars without a care in the world.

Honestly, don't really know where to go from there lmao~ wedding scene would be way too short to add though. And I didn't want to add in any angst cause I want this to be nothing but-

✦ wholesome ✦

Today was my first day back to school and online school sucks ass when I HAVE to show my face in order to be counted present. Otherwise, it's not that bad. It's still bad, but it could be worse.

But anyway, this is the third request down and I think I have one more, maybe two, that are gonna be on the shorter side. I think getting the smaller ones out first as fast as possible before moving onto the longer requests. It just makes it easier on me to know that I have less to do and I'm not making people wait as long. I dunno.

Anyway- you guys don't care about that stuff~

I'm gonna go eat now before going to sleep~


(Since one of you may know, yes, this is based off of a country song. I've heard it a couple of times on the radio the pass few months cause I live out here with the yee-haws. I'm still boarder line emo, I promise)

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