Bakusquad X Reader (My Hero Academia) {Talk To Me}

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Raise your hand if you feel like a sad piece of shit and really need a hug

This is gonna be short and edited later, sorry

Edit February 3, 2021: Hey, it's later but I can say with confidence that this one shot is pronouns and completely gender free for the reader. Go ahead, try to prove me wrong. (Thank you for letting me know if you do tho-)

"What do you mean (Y/n) hasn't come out yet? It's been three days..." Kaminari says in a worried tone.

"(Y/n)?" Knocked a conserned Mina, "please just let us you're okay..."

Bakugou stood next to the door with his back against the wall, arms crossed.

"Let me try," Kirishima put a hand on Mina's shoulder. She nods in response and backs away from the door.

"Hey, do you want us to get you anything?" He asks as Jiro bends down onto the floor, using her quirk to see if (Y/n) is really beyond the door. She nods but doesn't say anything. 

"Please? We're all worried about you..." Mina speaks up.

"You don't have to open the door, just let us know what you need." Kaminari adds.

Bakugou walks away in a hurry without saying a word. When he came back, they were still trying to get (Y/n) to talk or at least text them.

"Move." He said to the others, holding a piece of paper in his hand. They did as he ordered, backing away from the door. He slid the piece of paper under the door.

"What did you say?" Kirishima asked.

"'I would use my quirk to blow up this door but then I would have to pay for it so please open the door'" he replied, leaving out the part where he left enough room for (Y/n) to send a reply back. 

To the groups surprise, the piece of paper was slid back underneath the door. 

'Go away'

"Okay so we're busting in." Bakugou says, cracking his knuckles.

Kirishima, who had thrown out every reason to try and calm blasty out the window, joined in. "There really isn't any other choice."

Jiro, Mina and Kaminari look at each other. None of them knew how to stop Bakugou, Kirishima was the one who always did that. But now they have to calm both of them down, before they bust the door down.

"Hey now, let's think of another way." Mina said in the calmest voice she could muster.

"Yeah we don't want to bring attention to us." Jiro added, "it'll only make (Y/n) more uncomfortable."

"Then you guys hold back everyone while we bust in." Bakugou said, Kirishima nodding in agreement. 

"Wait-" Kaminari was cut off by the two hot heads busting the door completely down.

The now removed door revealed a sad, miserable looking teenager. Not a tear stained face, a dead looking face. Like someone who has never smiled once in their life, not even as a little kid.

Kaminari and Mina raced in and pulled (Y/n) into a hug.

"Why did you guys do that?" (Y/n) asked, "now I have to buy a new door..."

"Then you should have let us in." Says Bakugou in a harsh tone.

"We had to get to you some how." Kirishima added.

Jiro moved passed the two boys standing in the door way, "we were all so worried about you, (Y/n)." She said, "why are you on the floor?"

"Cause it's cold. And it doesn't feel right to sit on my bed so..."

The group looked at each other, the two hot heads now moving into the room. Luckily, no one has come to the dorm room.

"Talk to us, please?" Kirishima asks, "we just want to help you."

Everyone else nods, but Bakugou. "Guys," he says, "why don't we get something to eat?"

"Wait," Mina pulls away from (Y/n) to get a good look at their face, "when was the last time you ate something?"

"When was the last time you saw me?" (Y/n) replied.

Kaminari pulled away too, a sad look plastered all over his face.

"What would you like to eat?" Jiro asks.

(Y/n) shrugs, not look at any of them.

Bakugou and Kirishima look at each other and nod, "you guys stay here." "We'll be back." The boys left and the room fell silent.

Mina, Kaminari and Jiro formed a some-what circle on the floor, waiting to see what the other two were doing.

Minutes felt like hours but they finally came back with everyone's favorite food in their hands.

(Y/n) looked up for the first time, fully showing just how miserable they truly looked. The squad had never some one who's eyes were filled with such sadness.

Bakugou and Kirishima sat the food on the ground, rushing to hug the sad teen. The others followed their example, creating one big group hug.

"We love you." Mina said, "no matter what."

"Whenever you're ready to talk, we'll be here." Says Kaminari.

"But only if you want too." Jiro adds.

(Y/n) nods, "thank you."

Okay cool so that didn't really help me cause now I feel even worse. This doesn't make any sense but maybe it'll help someone out? Probably not, but I hope so.

love you guys

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