Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste X Female! Reader (Miraculous Ladybug) {This Is Love}

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Before I start I would like to say that I know Miraculous Ladybug is not an anime but like so many  people that like anime watch the show. If the show did not have 3D characters then it would be an anime (at least that's what Google told me...) so bring on the hate. I like this show and I know others do as well.

"Sooooo," Adrien started off as him and (y/n) were walking around the city, "have you finally gotten a boyfriend yet?"

"Pffft what!? No way!" (Y/n) exclaimed as if it was the weirdest question in the world, "me having a boyfriend? Please! That's like asking you if you confessed your love to that girl you like!"

"What does that mean?" He replied.

"It's never gonna happen." 

He gave me this unamused cat like look, "seriously (y/n) you're going that low."

"Low? This is you we're talking about. I don't think you'd ever tell this girl you love her. How long has it been now? How long has it been since you've decided you love her? How long Adrien?"

The blonde rolls his eyes, "seems like I tapped into a nerve. So you do want a boyfriend."

She scoffed and crossed the street, "sure believe what ever you want to. It's not like love is real."

The boy frowned at her words, "you really don't believe in love?"

"No, I really don't. If love was real then why doesn't it last forever? Why are all the songs in the top forty all break up songs? Most of the time they are anyway."

"Because some people don't get that love takes work. Love is weird and complicated, even you know that. It's like you have to make sure that you truly love the person before you can tell them." Adrien says, "that's why I don't want to tell the girl, until now. Now I know that I really truly love her. I just hope that she'll see how much I care about her."

"Of course she will!" His best friend cheered and pushed him gently to try and crack a smile out of the frown on his face. "You're Adrien Agreste! Almost every girl is already in love with you!"

"Yeah, almost..."

"Look I'm sorry I brought you down. Just tell her what you keep telling me and she'll have to fall for you. I, uh, gotta go. See you at school?" (Y/n) said as they stopped to part ways.

"Yeah, the usual spot." He said with a smile, "see you."


"Hey!" Adrien waved with a smile, "did you have a good day?"

"Eh, it was like every other day. I'm guessing you did by that smile or your face?"

He nods, "yep! I decided today would be the day I would tell the girl I love her!" He said with so much excitement in his voice. Just by looking at him anyone could tell how much he loves this girl.

"That's great!" (Y/n) replied, "when are you going to tell her?"

"In a few minutes, I wanted to hang with you before I say anything. Music?" He offers, handing her an earbud. She takes it and sits down closely next to him.

This was their thing, their best friend thing. Listing to music after school and talking about life. Telling each other whatever or just being with each other. It always made a bad day easier to manage or bright up a sad day. 

After the first few songs were over, "love songs? Trying to find the wrong words or something?" (Y/n) asked in a rude tone.

"Just because you don't believe in love doesn't mean that I shouldn't." The blonde mumbles.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She replies, dropping the topic.

"I don't get it," Adrien looks over at his best friend, "why don't you believe in love?"

"Why does it matter to you?" (Y/n) snaps.

They stare at each other for a moment before Adrien responds, "because I don't get it! If someone says 'I love you' to you, what do you say back?"


"'Nothing'? Really? If someone says 'I love you' you say nothing?" He says in a pissed off tone. "Why? Why do you do that?"

"Because what's the point of loving someone if all you're gonna do is fall out of it! Come on Adrien we're not even in uni yet! There's no way you can love someone! Love isn't real. You can believe what you want, but don't drag me into this." (Y/n) replies and they sit in silence.

Adrien looks down with a frown on his face, "can I show you what love is?"

"What? 'Show love'? That's just stupid." The blonde looks at her with pleading cat eyes causing (y/n) to sigh and give in. "Alright just stop looking at me like that. What do you want me to do?"

Adrien takes her hand, and places it over his heart, (y/n) was able to feel is heart racing. "This is love." He told her, looking into her eyes. "Only love can make this happen. Only love can make my heart pound like this."

(Y/n) was at a loss for words, giving Adrien a chance to keep talking.

"I love you, (y/n) wether you believe me or not. I will do anything that is safe and legal to prove that to you. Even if you don't ever believe in love, I hope one day someone makes you believe." He then kisses her lips gently. "I'm in love with you, (y/n)." Adrien pulls her into his embrace, holding her close to his heart. 

"Your...heart..." The girl says in a small voice, " love?"

"It is, my lady." He whispers, kissing the top of her head and holding her tighter. "This is love."

Can I just say that whenever Chat/Adrien says 'my lady' I swear my heart loves him even more. Like I'm on season one episode 24 (it's only been three days and I can't binge watch it) and I love these characters so much. This one is kinda on the short side (for me anyway) and I'm so sorry about that, turns out this idea wasn't really made to be long. I tried my very best to make it long but it just wasn't gonna happen. Okay someone go tell me to draw so I'll at least think about doing it...


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