Sasuke X Fem!Reader (Naruto) {So Now You Know}

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This is for ElectricAquaflame and I should say that I don't like Sasuke. I don't hate him anymore, but I still don't like him. So here we go!

"Hey have you heard about (y/n) (l/n)?" One lady says behind me.

I was walking through the village, going to the place where I let out my rage.

"Oh yeah! (L/n) is nice, hell she's friendly. It's weird if you think about it." The other lady replied.

My family is known for be bitches and bastards to anyone and everyone. I'm the same way.

"I'm just glad one of them has a kind soul. That goes to show you that not everyone is like their parents." The First Lady said.

I wanted to turn around and punch the shit out of them. I didn't. I have to keep this 'good girl' act. But that's gonna come crashing down in just four days. I'll show the whole village who I really am.

Sasuke pov brought to you by how bad this one shot is gonna be

By the time I arrived at where I train, (y/n) was there.

"Yo duck head!" She said, walking over too me. "What's up?"

"You can drop the act two face." I replied, she gave a killer smile. Meaning a smile that looks like she's gonna kill you.

"Aw Sasuke you know me so well." (Y/n) said, and tackled me to the ground, holding a kunai up to my neck, "you're as slow as ever."

I flipped her over, now I was on top. Her kunai in now beside her head, I had both arms pinned down. "You're the one who's slow, (y/n)."

"Oh yeah? You forgot that I don't wear shoes didn't you?" She said with a smirk. The next thing I knew I was up in a tree. She set a trap. She knew I was coming.

"Honestly that's my oldest trick. I thought you were gonna kick my ass in the finals. If you fall for something as pathetic as this then even Naruto will kick your ass." She walked over to me, "hell even Sakura can beat your sorry ass."

"How did we even end up talking when we were kids. Hell why the fuck are you here?" I mumbled.

"Well duck head we were friends because you were not a ass way back when and I'm here to tell you something." She replied.

Oh yeah I forgot, we were friends. "What the hell you you want to tell me." I asked.

"Let's see if you can get down first? If you can." She replied.

I cut the rope that she used to hang me up in the tree, and looked all around for other traps.

"Calm down Sasuke, I'm not that big of a bitch." (Y/n) says, with a real smile.

I was standing right in front of her, she slammed me into the tree, holding me up against it, with a killer look in her eyes.

"Did you forget?" She whispered into my ear, "I'm the best in my family when it comes to strength, traps, and faking personalities and face expressions?"

Oh shit. She's like a completely different person now. "What the fuck did you do? How do you know all of this? Where did you learn to do all of this?" I asked, to be honest I was sad that we didn't get put in the same squad. She's like a monster now.

"Come see me after my fight. Meet me out side of the arena. I'll tell you everything thing." (Y/n) said, let me go, and started walking away.

I got in front of her, and tackled her to the ground. "What do you need to tell me? Just tell me now!"

She shook her head, "I need to show you more than tell you. You won't believe me if I tell you. Okay? Just please come, oh and hid, just make sure that only I can see you."

"Okay. But you better tell me everything." I said, and got off of her, and she disappeared into the night.

Time skip to (y/n)'s fight and pov change to (y/n)

I was fighting Shikamaru. I knew that he didn't like me, unlike all of the other guys, besides Sasuke. We are friends, but I knew how to beat him.

My power is strength. I can punch the ground and he will fall in, but that gives him time to use to paralyze me. Plus the people siting on that side will be in danger.

"Come on fight already!" "Quit standing there!" The audience yelled, Shikamaru was against the wall and I was still standing were the fight started. I flipped off the audience, went to the other side of the arena.

"That's (y/n)?! What the hell is wrong with her!" Naruto shouted. "Shut the fuck up Naruto!" I was getting pissed.

"Hey (y/n) are you gonna kick his ass or what? Come on!" Sasuke shouted. "Yeah stop being a wuss! Unless you're scared of Shikamaru!" Ino yelled.

"What the hell did you just say you weak ass bitch!" I yelled, and punched the ground. The whole arena caved in, only the stop where I was standing was left. Shikamaru fell, and I was deemed the winner of the fight.

"How's what! Did you like that you damn bastards!" I said to the audience.

Time skip to where (y/n) and Sasuke met up and pov change to Sasuke

"I can't believe that it took you that long to beat that boy!" A man yelled at (y/n). She looked him in the eye, and didn't say anything. "I don't want to deal with this right now, don't come home until you can face me again." He said, and went back to watch the other fights.

(Y/n) flipped him off. I jumped down from where I was hiding. "Who the hell was that?" I asked.

"Who do you think?" She replied.

"Your father?" I said.

"Congratulations you got it right." (Y/n) replied, putting face in her hands. "I can never please him, no matter what I try."

I walked over too her, and gave her a hug. "You impressed me, hell you destroyed the whole arena. The moved the other fights to next week thanks to you." I whispered.

She didn't say anything, so I picked her up, and slugged her over me shoulder. "What the hell are you doing!" She screamed.

"Relax! I'm going to do anything to you." I said, and took off running. Thank goodness the exams are moved to next week.

I took her out of the village, and up to a cliff, that way nobody can find us.

I sat her down, she walked to the edge of the cliff, "wow this is crazy! How did you find this place!" She asked.

"I came here after every mission to scream all of my anger and rage. Try it." I replied.

"Fuck! I hate you! You're a damn selfish bastard! Mother loves you for your money and power! You damn bastard!" (Y/n) screamed, damn she must have really hates her father.

"Holy shit!" She turned around and said, and hugged me, "thank you for taking me here!" She said.

I hugged her back, "anything for you love."

Yay! That was long! ElectricAquaflame your next request is being thought of and written!

~Dragneel out

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