Natsu X Fem!Reader (Fairy Tail) {The Real You}

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Y'all I feel so dead inside and I want to cry but my family is in the same room so have to hold it in. This one fucking song killed me. I'm not gonna put what the song is because it is just to damn sad. For once it's not a 5 Seconds Of Summer song or All Time Low. Hell I never have listened to them before yesterday. So yeah here is a sad one shot.

"Natsu! Stop moping around!" I looked up to see (y/n) at the front of the guild walking in. "We're gonna find Happy! You got your best friend in the world to help you!" She was now standing at the table were I was laying my head down at.

I looked at her, then around the guild, and then put my head back down on the table,"I don't see Happy or Lucy anywhere."

She smakes my head, "Lucy is out with Levy and we're gonna go find Happy!"

"How? He could be anywhere!" I crossing my arms and putting them on the table. I put head down on my arms, staring down at the table.

(Y/n) pulled up a chair from another table and sat across from me. "Look I didn't come here from the future. I don't know how we're gonna find Happy we just are! I need you to trust me! We need to run him before it's to late!"

I sighed and got up. "You're right, as always." I said and smiled at her as she got up as well, "let's go find Happy." She smiled and nodded. With that we ran out of the guild.

If I knew what would happen in a few days I would have gone alone. I should have left her at the guild. With someone as her bodyguard.

"So," she said as we started walking threw town, "where was the last place you saw Happy?"

"A week ago at our house. Lucy and I went looking for him but we didn't find him." I said looking at the ground.

"Well duh!" She said with a smile, "if you found him then we wouldn't be here!"

"Yeah no kidding." I mumbled.

She pouted, "would you lighten up already! Moping isn't gonna help us find him! If anything it's just gonna slow us down!"

I lifted my head up, "You're right, again... let's check the woods where he likes fishing at." She smiled and nodded.

We ran over to the woods to save time. "Hey! Natsu come over here and look at this!" (Y/n) shouted as we looked around the woods.

There was a marking on a tree. Sixty three tallies, what could that mean.

"What the fudge nut does that mean?" I said.

(Y/n) started laughing like crazy. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You idiot! Who says 'what the fudge nut'."

I pouted, folding my arms over my chest, "whatever." I huffed.

She pinched my check, "You're just adorable you know that." She said with a smile on her face. "Now let's find Happy and look out for those marks." She walked further into the woods.

I stood there looking at her before running ahead of her. With her chasing after me.

We came to a clearing in the woods. All the trees were cut down to make a square. All those trees has marking from fifty to sixty two.

"Not sixty three this time." (Y/n) said in a serious tone. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Yeah, this can't be a joke." I said, "all the other trees have be cut down to make this a square. That has to mean something."

"Let's go, no point in wasting time here." She said.

I nodded and we walked out. (Y/n) had pulled out one of her throwing knifes, she does have a bad feeling. In the end she was right.

She ran faster and faster as the more tallys we found. We were out of the woods and following a dirt road. We were now at twenty tallys on the trees.

(Y/n) was now running so fast that I thought she was gonna fall to the ground from running so much. I grabbed her arm once I caught up wit her. I pulled her on to my chest and put my arms around her. She still had her throwing knife in her hand, holding on for dear life.

"I know this is no longer about Happy. This is something more, and we should turn back to get more people. I know you can see the house I can smell up a head. I will not let you go up there."

"I know that you were a assassin a long time ago, Gramps told me." I said but she cut me off before I could keep going.

"You mean that was you listening when I came to the guild." She said softly.

"Yeah, me and Happy. We didn't tell anyone. Just us, Guildarts, Mira and Laxus know about you."

"So let me go!" She screamed, "see I can take care of myself! I was born and trained as an assassin! I can kill all of them without them feeling a thing!"

Her grip on the throwing knife tightened.

"Just let me go in there with you." I said softly.

"No, I have to kill them. Sixty three times and sixty three cuts, and make the pain sixty three times worse than they can ever imagine." She said and knocked to the ground. Her knife over my neck, "stay here. If you hear me scream come running full speed. Okay?"

"Okay and (y/n)," she was so amazing. Even know when she could kill me, I still love her. "I love you. Come back alive."

Her eyes widened and nooded and took off towards the house.

I got off the ground and watched her, I have to do what she says. Little did I know that I should have gone.

I heard a scream, it sounded like (y/n) so I came running to the house.

"Oh no you told you little bitch!"

That..... that was (y/n). She sounded insane. I guess that's the life an assassin.

"(Y/n)! Stop!" I heard Happy yell.

I came in and I wish I didn't. There they were, assassins the pools of blood. With sixty three cuts, screaming because they still were dead yet.

I guess no one heard me, but Happy saw me and flew over to me, crying.

"Well dear sister (y/n), looks like you took out everyone but me. Are you showing mercy?" A man a head taller than her said.

(Y/n) let out this killer laugh, "as if Taiki! You know I was saving the best for last." She said with a crazy smile.

"I could say the same for you my sweet little (y/n). I know that mother and father alway-" he was cut out from blood coming out of his mouth. Followed by a scream.

"You know the rule, the target must be cut sixty three times to make the pain sixty three times worse. You know this right brother?"

I never looked at (y/n) the same way. She found out that Happy and I saw the whole thing and she left the guild. The women I loved more than anything in the world killed all those people.

I still love her. I still love you (y/n), nothing would change that fact. If you killed all those people sixy three times worse I would still love you.

The truth is, I never knew if she loved me back. Or loves. I hope that she'll come back, we all miss her. Everyone loved her, and she loved everyone (as friends).

It hurts, the fact that she left because Happy and I saw her kill those people. It's my fault. She would have never left if I didn't listen to her. I should have trusted her.

Okay it's not that sad but I wrote this a month ago and now I LOVE the band!

~Dragneel out

Edit March 16, 2020: So I wrote this about two years ago and wow this is bad. I mean wow. I remember where I was and the state I was in at the time but wow this is super bad. But I will keep it up but I promise my writing skills have improved. I'm so sorry you read this.

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