Kid! Madara X Kid! Fem!Reader (Naruto) {New Kid, New Friend}

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This is a request!

"Have you heard of the new kid, (y/n)?"

"Yeah she got taken away from her parents right?"

"I heard that they came from another village!"

"Keep your voice down! They're right there!"

Okay everyone talking about you should make you feel like a piece of shit, right?

Think about it like this, now you don't have to introduce yourself! Telling the teacher this is not a good idea.

"(Y/n)?" My teacher called, "can you introduce yourself to the class?"

"Eh, no thanks. Everyone here already knows who I am after all." 

The class snickered at my response as more whispers began to fill the classroom. 

The teacher signed in annoyance, "as you wish."

Didn't think it would be that easy... do they know something?

As the day went on, no one who dared to look over at me said a word to me. When I would look in their direction, they would quickly look away. 

This went on for days. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Little by little, I realized that none of them would talk to me. Taking matters into my own hands made it worse. 

Do they all really hate me?

No matter how hard I tried to make friends with the other kids, they just didn't like me.


One day as I sat by the lake, two boys were walking towards my direction. 

I decided to stare out at the water, hoping that they would pass by without staring at me too much. Still the two boys stopped and looked down at me. 

One of them asked, "are you lost?"

I shook my head, not bothering to look up at them.

"Maybe they don't have any family because of the war." Said the other.

"Then we should take them to come train with us!" Replied the first one.

"Are you sure they we should? Will them be okay with that?" The other asked.

I nodded my head, hoping that they would see.

"They nodded, come on! Let's go!" I looked up to see two boys my age, both with raven hair.

"We should at least introduce ourselves first." Said the second boy, grabbing hold of the first boys shirt.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'm Hashirama! Nice to meet you!" The first boy said with a smile.

"Madara," said the second boy.

"I'm (y/n)."

The boys nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"We need to get going then." Madara said, "but, why are you out here?"

"No one liked me at school so I left. No point being in a place where you're unwanted." I replied, "anything you would like to know?"

"Where are your parents?" He asked, Hashirama giving him a look.

"Taken away."

"Why?" Hashirmam asked with a puzzling look.

I shrugged, "dunno. One day they were just taken by some bastards."

Both of them raised their eyebrows, "y-you shouldn't say that." Hashirman said.

"Y-yeah, only adults say that." Madara added.

"What? Cuss words?" I asked and they both nodded. "Why shouldn't I say them? My parents always did."

They both looked at each other confused, "I have only heard them on the field. Never by any of my family." Hashirman said.

"Twice by my young brother. Never again." Added Madara.

I looked to the ground, am I really that messed up?

"Anyway, we need to get going Hashirman. We should take them back with us."

"Okay then, ready to go?" The two raven haired boys looked at me.

I nodded, "ready as I'll ever be."


After a few months of training with them, we became close friends. I stayed where we would train and they would come to see me whenever they could.

One day when it was pouring down rain, the boys still came to train. "(y/n)!" "Are you here?!"

I waved at them from the small worn down building that I was staying in.

They smiled at me as I ran out of the building, "I bet I'll beat you both today!"

Hashirama smiled, "oh yeah! You're on!"

"You both sound like kids." Madara commented.

"Duh," I said.

"Because we are." Hashirama finished.

Training began with running about the small building three times and then ten push-ups.

After that, we would practice throwing and aiming at the target made of fallen tree limbs and leafs.

Today we decided to challenge each other to a fight. Not to the death or anything. Who ever fell down first would lose. We drew a circle in the mud as our "fighting ring" to make sure we don't just run from each other. If you stepped out of the circle, you lose.

Madara and I were first, who ever won would fight Hashirama.

"Ready," called Hashirama from the sideline, "get set.... go!"


"Damn it!" I shouted, "just fall ready!"

"Stop cussing!" Hashirama shouted back at me.

"Fuck off! You're not in this!" I shouted back, getting more angry.

"Cussing won't solve anything. Seems like it just makes you even more angry." Madara replied, standing back up straight.

"You bastard!" 

"If you fall, this will all be over." He said, "so just fall. Your pride can take a small hit, after all you have to much of it."

"Shut the hell up! You don't know a damn thing!"

Hashirama smirked but didn't say a word.

"Then how about I shut you up myself?" Madara asked, running towards me.

I quickly moved out of the way, as fast as I could. Madara had always regained stamina faster out of the three of us. 

He ran me into the very edge of the circle, "damn it." I cussed once again.

Madara glared at me and did what Hashirama must have been smirking about. Did they plan this? Who the hell plans to kiss a person? Do you plan to kiss a person?

He held me to make sure I didn't fall backwards from shock.

He pulled away and said with a smirk, "got you to shut up, didn't I?"

As you can tell, I can't write fight scenes. Which is why I didn't. Did this make any sense at all? I mean did it really? I was going to try and make it funny but like after I looked up more about the boys, there wasn't a good way to. Tried to make the ending cute but we all know I can't do that either. Welp, this is all I have for now. Thank you so much to the requester and I hope you liked it! At least a little but...

Anyway, I'm going to sleep now.


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