Death the Kid X Reader (Soul Eater) {Lovely Night}

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If you think I'm not going to something similar to this one shot at least two more times, you are wrong. If you haven't heard the song "Lovely Night" from the movie La La Land, then I would recommend that you do. It's a really good song and I'm going to put my favorite animatic (that's not a ship) at the top. Oh yeah, this is a request but I have free range!

Edit February 3, 2021: Alright so this is pronouns free for the reader and I did my best to switch up the "male" and "female" parts of the song between Kid and the Reader to make it, you know, more pronouns free-

Some how Kid and I got stuck cleaning up after Black Star and Soul. No one but those two really know what happened, but the whole school ended up getting trashed because of it. Maka and Tsubaki were here with us for a few hours but had to leave for personal reasons.

"So what exactly happened here?" Kid asks as he walked into the last classroom we had to clean up.

"Something about how Black Star was better than Soul... or something?" I replied, picking up all the books. "Maybe it was they wanted to see who was stronger...again?"

"The last one sounds more likely." He sighs, "it's a shame they aren't the ones having to clean up the mess they made."

"Well it was your father's decision to have them duke it out themselves. Everyone knew it would end with them in the hospital for a few days." I said while placing the last few books back where they belong.

"Father doesn't always make the best decisions, but he usually does." Kid replied.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, "I'm not trying to say it in a bad tone. Just curious."

"He has let some people into this school that gave up after a month, wasting resources on them. Then there's the time he thought screaming 'food fight' in the middle of the cafeteria was a joke. Of course he got mad at when everyone started throwing food..." Kid trails off.

I stopped in my tracks, "what did he think was going to happen?"

"He thought 'food fight' was something along the lines of an eating contest. Clearly he found out quickly just how wrong he was."

I sniffled a laugh and shake my head. With that conversation coming to an end, Kid and I had nothing else to talk about. It had been a long and awkward four hours of cleaning. Kid and I aren't really strangers, but we aren't friends. I don't think we've made it to acquaintance level yet either. 

We're more like friends of friends who happen to go to the same school and live in the same area. Who've never talked one on one until now. Like we've had to team up a couple of times during school or collect souls, but we at least had our partners with us.


Two more hours had passed but we had finally finished cleaning up the mess Black Star and Soul had made. We stepped out of the school and the sun was almost completely set. The street lamps were coming on one by one while near by shops turned on their neon open signs.

The view was very romantic. "Too bad it's you and me out here tonight," I sigh and stretched. "Literally the perfect view to look at while you're on a date."

Kid looks out at the scenery, "I guess." He agrees, probably noticing how the silver shine stretches to the sea. 

He starts walking down the steps leading to the town below. "Some other girl, or guy, would love this swirling sky." He looks over at me, "but there's only you tonight. And we've got no shot."

He stops and looks up at me, noticing how I haven't moved an inch. "This could never be..." He suggesters his hands back and fourth. "You're not the type for me."

I scoff, "really."

He smirks, "and there's not a spark in sight." Finally he turns back around and starts walking again. "What a waste of a lovely night."

I crack my knuckles and clean my throat before running after him. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. I was standing two steps high than him. "You say there's nothing here well let's make something clear, I think I'll be the one to make that call."

Kid moves up one step, "what's your call?"

I shake my head and walk around him, going down three steps. "And though you look so cute in your polyester suit-" My voice was dripping in sarcasm.

"It's wool." He interrupts. "And you're right, I would never fall for you at all."

He starts walking back down the steps. "And maybe this appeals to someone wearing heels or to any girl, I guess. If there's some chance for romance." He stops abruptly and looks at me, "but I'm frankly feeling nothing."

I chuckle, "is that so?" I say and tilt my head.

"Or it could be something less than nothing." He laughs.

I smirk and walk past him, "good to know so you agree-"

"That's right." He mocks, "what a waste of a lovely night."

We reach the end of the schools steps and walk a little into the town. "So," I start, "are we still on for noddles with the gang?" I ask while Kid pulls out his phone and checks his notifications. 

"Looks like it'll be just us." He sighs and puts his phone away. "Group chat says everyone's busy tonight but us, apparently."

I check my phone to see what he was talking about. "Well it's your call." I reply and reply to a few texts.

"As long as you don't think this is a date then it's fine with me." He says while looking away.

I shrug, "it wasn't a date to begin with, Kid." I sigh and we walk into the noodle shop.

As the night went on, I got a funny feeling. Like a narrator in a movie would say something like, "they were dating within two months" While the camera shows us eating in silence through the window. Guess only time will tell.

So that's my attempt at making something up without writing out the plot first. I mean, like, I didn't really need to write out too many details since I had an idea of were this was going in my head. But anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this even though the beginning was very awkward, because that's how I wanted it to be~

Explanation time:

1. Yeah no the beginning was supposed to be awkward and not feel right because that is what I imaged the tension between Kid and the reader to be. Also sorry for making Black Star and Soul fight throughout the school, I had no other reason to make Kid and the reader the only people at school after dark.

2. I really like writing confident readers with them being able to say things sarcastically without making them come off as rude or mean, hope I did that right.

3. The whole staircase scene is supposed to be them being like "hahaha no, I don't like you. For real though we don't really talk." Since that is pretty much what the song is about, but like they kind of due. It's like when you are just starting to like someone, I think? It's that how that works??? 

4. They do indeed start dating after two months but they take things slowly since they are actual children.

And yeah! That's about it for today. I'm gonna go eat and do school work before my next class sucks.


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