Nastu X Reader (Fairy Tail) {Just Work Partners, Right?}

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Edit February 3, 2021: alright so here we have another one shot that should be free of gender for the reader. please let me know if you see anything that say otherwise.

We were walking back from a quest, Natsu was leaning on me.

"That's what happens when you go all out when you don't need to." I said when he groaned.

"I always give it my all. You know that better than anyone." He replied.

I sighed and kept waking. "How come Happy didn't come with us?" I asked.

"He wanted to stay back and hang out with Carla." Nastu answered.

"More like flirt with her." I mumbled, not thinking that Natsu would hear me.

He laughed, "yeah you're right. I can't believe that he would leave me like that."

"That's why you don't have friends."

He glared at me and moved away from me. Not being able to keep his balance, he started to fall.

I grabbed him before he hit the ground. He smiled up at me, "that's why you have friends."

"Or go on quests with people that don't hate you." I replied. He leaned on me again.

"You don't think we're friends?" He asked.

"We're work partners. Do you see me trying to talk to you outside of the guild?" I replied.

He was silent. We didn't say anything when we got back to the guild. I went to the bar to get something to eat. While I was eating, I saw team Natsu talking and having fun.

Having friends is a waste. They're just gonna leave. It's not their fault, it's usually mine. Still that's life.

It was late at night when everyone was out of the guild. Mira told me that I could lock up. I checked the board for any requests. That's when the door opened, reveling the two idiots who were waiting outside.

"(Y/n)!" Happy shouted. Natsu was on the ground from falling when the door opened. He looked shocked and so did Happy. "(Y/n)!" Happy shouted again but this time at Nastu.

"Hey look we found (y/n)!" Natsu shouted and ran over to me. "How ya doing work partner?" He asked.

What the hell?

"What do you want Natsu?" I asked. He smiled, but it looked like he was trying to cover something up.

"We were-" Happy started to say, but he cut him off. "We were just wondering if you were going on another quest."

"Natsu I'm not stupid. Why were you waiting for me to come outside?"

They both looked at each other and then back at me. "We want to show you what it's like to have friends." Happy said and smiled.

"More like a good friend. Since you haven't had one of those." 

Of course they want to change something. They do always mess up half a city when ever they are ever on a quest.

"Thanks but no thanks." I said and walked passed them. "No offense but I don't really want friends."

"So you don't want a group of people to eat with? To come with when you need to get something off your chest? Not even when it's two am and you're bored, wide away, deciding to bake cookies and call someone up to get them to come over? All you do is talk all morning and clean up the mess when the sun come up. Cause let's face it, when you have a friend over for cooking, there's gonna be a food fight." Natsu said.

I was now at the door. I couldn't leave until he did. "Alright, one meal." I said and walked out the door. I locked up the guild and Happy went back to their house. It was close to midnight now, not many places were open. 

"I heard about this place that stay's open for night owls, like us." Natsu said, "you wanna go there?"

"Is it expensive?" I replied. He shook his head, "nope, but don't you have a good amount of money?"

"It's alright. But I also don't spend all my money at once, like someone I know." I said, looking at him.

"Hey! That's only partly true!" He said with a smile.

The place wasn't too far away from the guild. It was more of an order, pick up and then go back to your place to eat king of place. It's really just take out.

As we waited, "so when was the last time you had a friend?" Natsu asked.

"Is that relevant?" I replied, looking at the walls.


I thought for a moment, "I'm not really sure. I don't have any childhood friends," he cut me off.

"Why not?"

"Look Natsu I get that you're trying to be nice and all but I'm not share anything personal, alright?"

"Yeah okay. Then what's your favorite color?" 

This went on for awhile, even after we got our food and left. We sat on a bridge and ate. I'll admit it was fun hanging out with him.

The sun was starting to rise and we knew that this had to end.

"Look this was fun." I started off, "I wouldn't count us as friends cause we didn't even hang out for a whole night but I would say that we are more than work partners." 

He smiled at me, "awesome! Hey you need to open up the guild." I nodded, "yeah do you want to come with me?"

"Aw, look at you trying to make new friends already. Someone must have started something."

I laughed, "oh yeah and it was a guy too." We started walking towards the guild.

"Oh my gosh! You have to tell me all about him!" He shouted in the greatest bitch voice he could muster. 

"Well he has pink hair and lives with a blue cat, he looks very strong." I started off.

"Okay keep going."

"Oh! He also goes over board sometimes which ends up making him get hurt." I said.

"Well it sounds like he was giving it his all."

"I'm not sure. You see he never does anything like that with he is working with other people. I over heard people talking about it yesterday. Oh well it's not very important."

"Maybe he is just worried about you. He sounds like a wonderful person." Natsu said with out the bitch voice.

"Yeah he's something. But all in all he seems like a great person."

We had arrived at the guild, I unlocked it. "You can go home now. I have to wait until Mira gets here."

He shook his head, "its okay. I don't want to leave you here by yourself."

We waited in the guild in silence. "Hey Natsu?" I said, he looked over at me.

"Yeah, what's up?" He replied. 

"There's this job I want to take, do you want to come with me?" I asked, holding up the flyer.

He smiled, "look at you. Already-"

I summoned one of my throwing knifes and threw on at his head. It landed right next to him.

"Don't you dare." 

He laughed nervously, "you got it. Man I never knew you could be so scary." 

I smiled, "you will get to know me better once we become friends."

"Can't wait."

Hey everybody! So do you guys want to see more friendship stuff you dating stuff? I really missed Natsu so I had to do a one shot and it's finally here. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this completely random post. 


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