Dabi X Villain! Fem!Reader (My Hero Academia) {Rooftop Balcony}

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I was in a very big Dabi mood a few months back, but I was super busy and didn't write anything for him. So I am now making up for lost time and you guys seemed to like the first one shot so...

Quirk: The reader has to kiss someone, can then control that person for up to five minutes

Drawbacks: Major headaches that get worse the longer she has to control the person

Warning: mentions of drinking alcohol and smoking

(Y/n) takes a sip of her drink as she sees the blue flames burn in the distance. She sighs and downs the rest of it has the sound of the door creak open fills her ears.

"You're up." Shigaraki says and walks away.

Leaving the empty glass resting on the railing of the balcony, she follows him down the stairs and into the bar. "Just one day right?" She asks, seeing Toga making funny faces in front of the person they kidnapped tonight.

"Yep, here's your script." Shigaraki replies, "Sippner and Dabi will be here soon with the truck. "Don't worry, it won't take over four minutes."

"You're really pushing it here Shiggy." She glares but drops immediately. He can be a smartass sometimes but it's for the sake of the league. Four minutes won't be that bad.

Spinner and Dabi arrived within the next few minutes and loaded up the guy into the truck. "So he's supposed to have some sort of power with the heroes right?" (Y/n) asks Spinner who's driving.

"According to Shigaraki yes." He replies, "said something about giving money to the agency across Japan. Lots of people have trust in his opinions, his parents were famous hero before All Might came along. He is hoping that making this guy say awful things about hero society that what he says sticks in people's heads."

"That explains the script a little more..." She mutters and Dabi takes the piece of paper out of her hands.

He reads over it quickly, "so he wants to make him sound insane..." He chuckles, "luckily for hands that's your specialty."

"Thanks love." She rolls her eyes, snatching the paper back. They had arrived at the largest news station in the country. "We only got five minutes alright." She walks over to the man and frowns, "when will people in power ever become slightly attractive..."

"Pucker up doll face," Dabi smirks, "it's show time." He slides the truck door open as (Y/n) removes the cloth around the man's face. She gives him a quick kiss and now has control over him. Her eyes turn red while the man's stay the same color. "So you did make some improvements then."

"It was too much of a give away, Toga was happy to be my test dummy for awhile." The man replied. Another drawback to (Y/n)'s quirk is that she can only talk through the person she is controlling.

"Still, that parts a little freaky..." Spinner mumbles as (Y/n) jumps out of the truck. "And seeing that guy copy you're every move..."

(Y/n) closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, moving one foot off the ground. The man's foot moves too, only she stayed in place while he moved up one step. With her eyes still closed, she began walking in place. The man started walking towards the news station, then he's running. Dabi grabs Spinner's arms and pulls him back as (Y/n) starts to mover her arms around.

At the news station, the man pushes open thee door and runs inside, gasping for air. "The villains!" He shouts franticly looking around, "they were right! Our society... it's all wrong..."

Dabi pick (Y/n) up by her waist and places her in the truck, and closes the door with him in the back with her. Spinner slowly starts to drive away, making sure to to make (Y/n) move an inch. It was Dabi's job to make sure she doesn't make any odd movements the drive may cause.

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