Boruto X Fem! Reader (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) {Growing Up} [Re-written]

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This was the series that really started off my book back when it was first starting out. All the way back in 2017, just before the anime started airing and almost a year of the manga being published. I met a few other Boruto fans though this but have all left Wattpad or have changed their name, meaning I can no longer find them.

It's sad to see them off but then again I gave up on Boruto after volume six (I hated the anime since it started so-) and I never planned on picking it up again. I will one day because I'll always wonder how it ends, but since it is still ongoing, I will just have to try and read it again another day.

That being said this was written when I was 12 and 13, I am now 17. Yeah, it's been a very long time. I have grown a lot as a person and as a writer. But I will still be keeping the same plot and plot points, but smoothing it all out. I feel like I owe it to those who are reading this series now and to those who read the series in the past.

This will also be my last Boruto one shot. It feels very weird being almost an adult and writing about 12 year olds, which is another reason why I decided to rewrite this series.

Thank you all so much for your support over the last few years. I hope some of you will stick around a little longer.

Note: this is how certain 12 year olds acted back in my day, and Boruto has no official birthday that a quick search would tell me. Keep this information in your mind as you read.

It was a nice spring day, March 26th had finally arrived. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom as the aspiring ninjas entered the academy. The teacher slides open the door and looks at all of his students. "Hey Boruto." He calls, earning the blondes attention. "Where's (Y/n) at?"

He shrugs in reply, "dunno. You know how she can be."

The door slides open. "Yo." (Y/n) greets her class.

"You're late again." Sinso sighs. 

"Sure am." She takes her seat next to Boruto. Even if she showed up early it's not like she ever payed attention. Having the window seat is very distracting for her.

Right now, however, she has a scheme that has been set in motion. So her mind is constantly thinking about what her next move is.

"Oh yeah," she leans over and whispers to Boruto. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks." He smiles bitterly.

"Your dad?"

"Yeah I don't think he's coming home tonight. And now he doesn't even send his shadow clone." He looks more upset.

"We can hangout after school before you go home if you want." She offers, "get something to eat?"

He nods, "yeah we can. Everyone else is busy tonight though."

As the school day slowly comes to a close, "I'll go see what places looks the best. Meet me at the tree close to your house, you know the one."

When the teacher left the room, finally, (Y/n) made her escape out the window.

"(Y/n) left again?" Shinso looks at Boruto.

"Never know with her." He chuckles and class continues.


"Honestly, Lord Seven, how can you be so slow!?"

"Aren't you the one who's late!?" He argues back.

"That teacher wouldn't leave! I just can't let him watch me jump out the window." (Y/n) and the hokage bicker until they reached his house.

"Dad!" Himawari jumps into his arms.

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