Killua X Fem!Reader (Hunter X Hunter) {Please Skip This}

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Edit, 2020 of November: for some strange reason this has been getting way more attention for reasons I don't know. This is a horrible one shot, please don't read it. The plot is just not there. Details? Who is that? I don't know who that is. I feel like I have to keep it up since it was the first Killua one shot, and I feel like I owe it to you guys, the readers, to see how wack my one shots were before.

Just don't read it. You aren't gonna have a good time and there are better Killua one shots on this site and in this book.

But you're probably still gonna read it, aren't you?

I was walking through town, headphones on 100%, my eyes fixed in a glare if anyone dared to look at me. I was half way to where I'm going, that's when Killua, the boys soccer, baseball, and basketball captain, came up right beside me.

I think he was trying to talk to me, I just glared at him. He was trying to talk to me thank goodness I couldn't hear him. He got pissed and pulled out one of my earbuds, "I'm trying to tell you something! Will you even listen!"

I glared at him, "why the fuck should I care!"

Killua glared back, "cuz I'm trying to tell you something!"

I was pissed, today of all days is when I he wanted to talk. "And I said I don't fucking care!"

I started to walk faster, so did Killua, so I went faster, and so did Killua. This went on for a few minutes.

"Shouldn't you be a practice and why are you following me?" I asked.

"What? Is it weird for a  boyfriend to follow his girlfriend when she is ditching school?" He replied with a smirk on his face.

I glared at him, "whatever."

Killua smiled, "acting like a tsundere? That's new."

I punched him in the face, and sent him flying. "Like you know anything!" I screamed, "today, today of all days is when you decide to talk to me!"

Killua got up, it started raining. "You know that I was busy with sports, I don't see why this is such a big deal."

The rain came down ever harder, I walked away. I'm not dealing with this crap today, my life is already crashing down. Of corse he doesn't know the story, nobody does.

Killua walk behind me, that's when lightning strikes a few miles away from where I was going.

"Hey (y/n), come on let's go." Killua said, I just ignored him.

"I'm.... I'm not kidding (y/n)!" Killua shouted, "it's raining! Plus we're in the middle of a thunderstorm! Come on (y/n) listen to me! Please!"

That was the first time his has ever acted like he cared about me. I felt bad that he's come all this way to stop me, but I have to do this. After all today is the day that they died. I started running. I ran fast, when the rain started to come down I ran faster. The rain came down hard, like someone just opened a flood gate.

Killua came running after me, "wait!" He shouted but I kept on going.

A few minutes pasted, I stopped in front of a church, I was finally here. Killua stopped right beside me. The priest came out of the church.

"Why are you here?" The old priest asked.

"I am (full name), I came here to visit my family." I replied.

"Oh (l/n), I can't believe that time has came already, my condolences." The priest said, and went back in the church.

"What the hell happened?" Killua asked. Tears filled my eyes as I went to my family's grave. I wish I could have helped them, I wish that I went with them. We could have been together for ever. (I'm sorry that sounds creepy)

I stopped at their grave, and started crying, Killua was right next to me. He pulled my into his chest, wrapped his arms around my small body. He was so warm, "it's ok." He said.

"How do you know? You don't know what happened, why they're dead, why I'm still alive, I shouldn't be." I whispered, hoping that he didn't hear that.

He hugged me tighter, "can you tell me? And I'm so happy that you're alive, I don't know were I would be with out you." I nodded me head, "ok I'll tell you."

I took a deep breath, "we were coming home from school, we just met my new teachers for next year. That's when my moms ex husband hit our car with his, it was a head on collation. My older brother and I was in the back seat. He saw the car coming for us and he protected me."

Killua hugged me even tighter, "I'm so glad that you're alive."

"There's more," I said, "my moms ex husband was charged with murder, I was there when they made that decision, he was sentenced to prison for 60 years. Right before they took him away he looked at me and said, 'I will fined you! And when I do I'll kill you!' I was so scared, what if he does?"

"I'll protect you, no matter the cost." Killua said.

"Don't say that! I don't want to lose you too!" I said, looking up at him.

"Don't worry, I'm a pro assassin it's gonna take more than a threat to kill me." He smiled and kissed me.

"Come on let's get out of this rain." Killua said, and went back to the front of the church.

"See him, that's the guy I'm gonna marry, you'll see, good bye mom, big brother." I said and went to the the front of the church.

"What were you saying?" Killua asked.

"Oh nothing." I said, he grabbed my hand, "you'll see."

"I heard everything that you said you know." Killua said with a smirk and I blushed.

"W-whatever it's not like I meant it, I was just saying that to make them happy." I said.

"Wow tsundere much." Killua said.

I pushed him in the arm, "whatever! I hate you!" I said, Killua laughed, " love you too." He pulled me into a kiss.

"Don't worry soon to be Mrs. Zoldyck, let's go get some chocolate." He said, I laughed.

"Who do you love more me or chocolate?" I asked.

"That's a stupid question you of course."

A/n: I didn't like how this one came out..... oh well thanks for reading!

Edit, November 2020: I told you it was bad, but you didn't listen.

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