Tamaki X Female!Reader (Ouran High school Host Club) {Date With The Prince}

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"Tamaki, you know that she no longer has a lot of money right?" 

"Yes I know that, why?"

"Because she was never a fancy person, try not to 'impress' her."

I giggled and opened the door to the music room. There stood Kyoya and emo corner man himself.

I waved at them, "hey! Nice to see you not sulking in a corner Tamaki." I said with a smile.

"I told you she would fun of you for it." Kyoya said and adjusted his glasses.

"Whatever," Tamaki mumbled glaring over at him. "I'm surprised you agreed to meet up with me."

"You're referring to the last time I saw you?" I asked and they both nodded. I chuckled, "you were just taking it hard that I was leaving. It's not that I hate you for ignoring me for two months. Only to find out where I live and beg me to be your friend again, even though I thought we were still friends."

He pouted and buried his face in his hands, "I know that." He looked up at me, "you know that I'm really sorry about all that!"

I nodded and smiled, "why do you think I'm here? I never hated you for those reasons."

Kyoya looked over at me curiously, "what do you mean by that?"

I started to answer but Tamaki rushed and cover my month with his hand. "Don't tell him anything!"

I laughed and licked his hand, making him jump. "Why would you do that?! Have you lost your manors!" He shouted, running to the nearest bathroom. He ran out the door with Kyoya and I following.

"Can't lose something if you never had it!" I shouted as he rushed into the bathroom.

"It's nice to know that you haven't changed. Public school hasn't even effected you, has it?" Kyoya asked.

I looked down at the yellow sun dress I was wearing, "yeah but in a good way." I looked around my old school halls, "don't get me wrong I loved it here but I needed a change. My parents needed to get away from each other." I looked back at him, "thank goodness I didn't lose you guys. No matter how creepy it is that you have a host club."

"At least you didn't try to shut us down, thank you for that by the way."

I nodded and smiled, "any time."

Tamaki came out of the bathroom, his purple eyes fixed in a glare. "I hope you're happy."

I shrugged, "I'm a simple woman, I don't need anything fancy to make me happy." I said, walking over to him, "never really used manors around my friends, other than chewing with your mouth closed cause other wise that's just disgusting."

I was now right in front of him and Kyoya went back into the music room. Leaving the emo corner man himself and I in the empty hallway. "I'm sure you're ready to get this date under way."

I nodded, "I put on a dress for this, that's more than all my previous dates have gotten."

He smiled and took my hand, "so you're a 'simple woman' now? What's that all about?"

"It means that I don't have to act all fancy and crap. Now I can be who I am."

"Which is still a huge nerd?" He said, challenging me.

"At least I'm not an emo corner." I said, challenging back.

"Since we're being simple, is it okay if we stop by my place? I have to change clothes now." He asked.

"Of course, it's just dinner and a movie."

"Still a hopeless romantic I see."

I shrugged, "at least I don't grow mushrooms in other people houses."

His head snapped towards me, "how do you know about that!?"

"Kyoya keeps me up to date with stuff that happens in the host club." I said with a grin.

We walk out into the nice spring day hand in hand.


"See the movie wasn't a chick flick." I told him as we walked out of the theater. 

"Yeah but I didn't think that it would be a movie that we'd both like." He replied, smiling at me.

"How many dates have you been on since I last saw you?"

"Not too many, I don't talk to many girls outside the host club. What about you?"

"Nah, once here and there but no more than five."

"Five! Jeez guys at your school are really missing out." He said making me blush.

"You're only holding my hand on the first date because I trust you." I said, looking away from him.

"You look so cute when you blush." He said in a baby talking voice.

"I've punch you right in the mouth once Tamaki, don't make me do it again."

He laughed and held up his other hand in defense, never letting go on mine. "Okay okay, please don't do that again. I had to wear makeup for two weeks because of that."

"Really? Only two weeks? Damn I went easy on you. Besides, don't you wear makeup already?" I asked.

"Not outside of the club. It was more of 'what would people think if they saw me WITH THIS HUGE BRUSE ON MY FACE' kind of thing." He replied.

I started laughing so hard we had to stop walking, "is that what you were thinking?"

He nodded, laughing a bit himself. "Yeah my teacher thought I was crazy because my eyes were always fixed in a glare. And it was all because of you."

I grinned and we started walking again, "your welcome."


We came to the street that makes us part ways, "it's about to get dark out, do you want me to walk you home?"

I shook my head, "thanks but no thanks. You have to get home to you know."

"Huh, and you don't want to kiss me at your front door like in all movies, right?" 

"I won't kiss you on the first date. At least the old me wouldn't." I went up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek, "text me where we're having that second date." With that I ran down my street. Who says you can't wear tennis shoes with a dress? I'm a simple woman after all.

Weird I-tried-to-make-a-date-one-shot-and-failed one shot! I still haven't been on a date so I don't even know what you would do on one. Still this was a lot of fun to write so I hope you guys liked it!


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