Preparing For Children

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Summary: Dan and Phil Ready the nursery before the day they go to adopt
Word count: 585

Dans POV:
It's really hard to plan everything when it comes to adopting. Phil and I have been getting everything ready for the last month. We've turned my old room into a nursery for a baby we plan on adopting. Last week, we were approved for adoption so we're heading out tomorrow to adopt. As of now we're putting the finishing touches on the nursery.

"Phil?" I say catching his attention from where he was folding a couple blankets.

"Does this look right if his goes here?" I say holding a couple things to where Hey May possibly go.

"Yeah it looks great." He replies then continues to fold the blankets.
After about an hour of making sure everything was perfect we stood back and took a look around the room.

"It's perfect." I say turning and smiling at him.

"I just can't believe we're going to be parents tomorrow." Phil says smiling, excitement visible in his voice.

"Same here, I just hope I'm a good father." I say.

"Trust me, you will be." Phil says before kissing me softly.
We turn off the light and walk out of the room and head to bed, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

The morning slowly came and I couldn't stop smiling, I knew today would be the day that we finally get to have our own little family.

"I'm so excited." Phil says smiling just as much as I am.

"Me too, I feel like this is all just a dream and I'm going to wake up that's how exciting it is." I replied.
We ended up eating a small breakfast then heading out to the adoption center.
We were welcomed when we walked in and the woman who ran the place showed us all the children.
We decided on a baby so she had someone to take us to the other room where they are.

"This is Victoria, she's only five months old but she's a wild one." The lady said.

"And this here is Benjamin, he's about seven months old, he's really calm and a sleeper." She said, I looked over to Phil and smiled.
After seeing all the babies we now had to decide who we wanted to adopt.

"I really liked Benjamin, it's just something about him he seems really sweet." I said.

"I was thinking the same thing." Phil said,
After decided we talked to the woman again and told her we would like to adopt Benjamin. We filled out the few papers to certify we were adopting him and the other lady we to get him. Phil went out to the car and grabbed the baby carrier and we placed him in it. After thanking them we headed back home with a new addition to our family.

"Welcome home Benjamin." Phil and I say at the same time as we enter the apartment.

A/N: I'm on writers block so I'm surprised with this, also I love reading your guys' comments they make me smile and laugh a lot, and if I don't reply I'm sorry I'm busy and I've got a lot going on my anxiety has been bad and I'm stressing about some stuff and I don't really want to talk about it but it has to do with my sister it's causing my anxiety to act up again and wow I'll just leave this here bye.

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