Golden Whiskers

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It's that time of the year again, it's November. Which means it's time for Phil is not on fire 10. Last year was a bit of a wild one, well what was edited out anyways. Phil ended up proposing and we edited it out because the fans couldn't know yet. But this year is the year that they'll know. We're going to add it in to the end of the video and the come back to present day. We had already filmed and uploaded so I was sitting and watching the video back with Phil.

"Ready?" Phil said.

"Yeah." I replied.

We did our introductions and then started with the whiskers.

"Wait." Phil says, I was confused.

"It's been 10 years of this, so let's use golden sharpies!" Phil suggested.

"Alright." I replied, phil put my whiskers and I did his.

"What's the most important things in your life?" One of the questions asked.

"Hmm maybe my phone." I said laughing.

"Alright this question is for Phil, the object to your left is what you would use to battle in a apocalypse." I read.

"It's actually a shoe." Phil said laughing, pulling the shoe up to the camera.

The video went on and then the ending happened.

We inserted the clip of phil proposing.

"Bet you didn't see that coming?" I said.

"Wait one more surprise." Phil said getting up and going into the lounge.

When he came back he had a small corgi in his hands.

"Look!" Phil said sitting the dog with us in front of the camera.

"We haven't named him yet, and it won't be Susan two. But leave some comments we may choose one of yours." I explained.

After doing the end screen the video had ended. I looked up at Phil and he looked down at me and smiled.

"This was the most fun I've ever had." I said quoting myself from the first video we made together.

"Me too." Phil said the kissing me softly.

A/n: sorry for not updating sooner, I've been busy. I have a Spanish test Monday and I haven't done my flash cards yet. My parents are replacing the living room floor so it's hard to update when you're helping.
And now my eye hurts, like it feels like I've got a black eye but I don't I wasn't hit and I didn't run into anything.

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