Run-Away Pup

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Summary: Dan and Phil meet through their doggo's
Word Count: 401
Warnings: None

(I apologize for any spelling errors it's 2:30am and I'm laying down writing this)
Dans POV:

"What do you say we go out for a walk today?" I said petting my dog which happens to be a shiba Inu, her name is butterscotch . She got that name from the color of her fur it reminded me over those little butterscotch candies.
She barked and waged her tail in response and began running around my flat.

"Alright alright calm down." I said and she ran over to me. I went into the supply closet to grab her leash and whatever else I'd need on the walk.

After getting my shoes on and a jacket I hooked the lead to her collar and we began to walk outside.
It was a rather nice day today, it wasn't raining and it wasn't too hot or cold, but perfect for a mid-autumn day.

I was lost in my own little world that I didn't even pay attention to butterscotch, he managed to slip her collar off and began chasing a bird. I instantly ran after her trying my best to not run into people.

Phil's POV:
I was minding my own business walking my dog when all of a sudden a shibe ran towards me. I stopped the dog instantly so I could help whoever lost her.

"Hello there what's your name?" I said petting the dog, she didn't seem to have a collar on.

"There you are butterscotch, I thought I'd lost you for good." said a boy about my age with a brown fringe and brown eyes.

"Is this tour dog?" I asked.

"Yeah, she ran off while I was walking her and I was trying to catch her. Thank you." He said.

"No problem, I'm phil by the way." I said.

"Dan." He said holding his hand out for me to shake and then put the collar back on his dog.

"Maybe we should hang out sometime Phil." Dan said.

"Maybe so." I replied smiling.
We continued walking our dogs and leaned we had a lot in common. Let just say I'd be seeing dan more often.

A/N: so it's almost three am and I can't sleep and I'm starving but I don't want to get up because my parents room is close to the kitchen

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