Good Enough

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When Miss Owen, my dance teacher, plunged a spear through my heart by seducing my uncle and running away with him, I turned on her in an instant. When I found out about dad's cheating, he became invisible to me.

So when my eyes witnessed Tiffany's betrayal first hand, I instinctively believed I was going to hate her. So I transferred the same thoughts I had towards Miss Owen and my dad to her: 

"You disgust me."

"Every one of our memories together make my skin crawl."

I didn't wait for hatred to fill me, I just supposed it was already in me. But it's not.

Now that she's gone, I'm left wondering if this is really what I want. Her absence makes me realize that it's actually taking some time for my heart to completely turn away from her.

It's been a month since Tiffany disappeared. A month of chaos and worry.

After Sam informed us of the situation last month, Quincey and I rushed to her house. Louise, Tiffany's mum, cried in my arms for hours.

"Mon bébé, mon bébé (my baby)," she hiccuped as she cried. "This is not happening... This can't be real."

Quincey was panicked asking multiple questions no one had answers for. Later on, informed by Lady and Cindy about the situation, Orson barged into the house like a crazy person and pressed us for news about Tiffany. Which, come to think of it, is kind of weird. I mean, I know he's a nice guy and all, but how long had he known her that he got all worked up? One kiss and his mind is blown away? Tsk, guys are so simple.

Anyway, the police came by and looked into it. We knew it would be difficult to find her because she had withdrawn all her money from her bank account, meaning she had no intention of coming back anytime soon. She purposely ran away.

It didn't make sense to anybody. Tiffany is so responsible, it's very unlike her to cause any trouble whatsoever. Why would she decide to rebel all of a sudden?

She had saved up quite a lot from a few part-time jobs and generous allowances since Louise trusted her with money as she's not an extravagant spender like me. So she could last on what she had for a while.

I didn't say much through out, as I knew it had nothing to do with rebellion. I knew exactly why she fled. Knowing Tiffany, she was probably lost in thought, wandered off somewhere and simply didn't try to find her way back. I had to repeat to myself at least a thousand times that it's not my fault. Even if I still don't believe it, I'm going to pretend that I do. It's not my fault. She's the one to blame.

For a whole month we had no news. No way to know where she was, what she was doing, if she was still alive.

But a few days ago, she sent a picture of herself to her mum, with a simple caption: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

Louise broke down in tears again, crying as much as she did a month ago. But this time out of relief. Everybody had been so scared that something may have happened to her. Even if she's not here, knowing at the very least that Tiffany is fine reassured her mum and the others.

"To cut the story short, because of that distraction, no one paid attention in class anymore. Plus it turned out that nobody did the work. So Mr Riley got fed up and everyone got a punishment."

Quincey and I are walking down the road that leads to Lorenzo's restaurant. We are supposed to meet up with Lady, Cindy, Kenneth and Orson. It's kind of a celebratory get together after the good news.

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