Chapter 36

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*Alex P.O.V*

After the call, i found myself crying on my bed. Taylor lied to me about Magcon girls wanting to see me when it was really only Hayes who wanted to see me.

"Maria!" i call our maid. Brad insisted that we had a maid. She wasnt here when the boys were here because her daughter was having a baby so we gave her a vacation but shes back. My mom and her have a lot in common. Both Mexican, maids, well my mom was a maid and they help me out when im down.

"Si? Que pasa?(Yes? Whats wrong?" she says as she walks over to my bed and sits down next to me.

"Me puede traer nieve de cookie dough, por favor?(Could you bring me some cookie dough icecream, please?" i sob.

"Sure, mija." she smiled and left.

She came back with the whole jar of my favorite icecream and a huge spork. She handed it to me and i quickly opened it and began eating it. She sat next to me andgave me a weak smile.

"Whats wrong mija?" she asked me.

"Maria, no se que aser(I dont know what to do.)" i cry. She sits next to me and starts rubbing my back.

"Es de Hayes?(Is it Hayes?)" she asked. "Your mother told me." she added. Of course my mom told her. I just gave her a nod and cried harder, scooping more icecream into the spork.

"Maria, lo amo. Ya se que nomas tengo 14 años pero, lo amo. Y mucho!(Maria, i love him. I know im only 14 years old but, i love him. A lot!)" i you know, cry.

"Ay, mija. I bet he loves you to." she gave me a side hug. I hugged her back. "Why dont you forgive him?" she asked in her accent.

"Because. He cheated on me and i just cant." i sighed.

"Do you know juat happen?"

"Yeah. he practiclly started having sex with her."

"Alex has he talk to you?"

"Yes." i sniff.

"How was he?" she asked.

"He was bad. He had a pale face, the only color on his face were his blue orbs and red eyes. They were puffy and he had bags under his eyes." i sigh.

She gave me a And that means nothing to you? kind of stare.

"He will be fine by the end of the week." i add.

"Ay Alex."she sighs. "Well are you going to stay here an cry all day?" she chuckled.

"No." i laughed.

"Ok well i made chicken enchiladas if you want some." she said standing up and adjusting her dress.

"Yes! Just what i need food!" i say jumping up and running downstairs. Maria knew how much i love enchiladas.

Maria served me 5 enchiladas and we talked while i ate about her daughter and now grandchild. I told her how my mom told me how much she really wanted grandbabies with dark hair and colored eyes. Jesus Chirst! My mom is pretty weird.

"Thank you for the enchiladas Maria." i thanked her as i put my plate in the sink.

"No problem." she smiles and i hug her and run back upstairs.

I lay on my bed and i hear tapping on my window. Great. Its raining. Here in Seattle, when it rains, it pours. I just decide to scrol tghrough twitter and my whole feed is fans asking me if i broke up with Hayes. Some were glad we broke up but some were sad we did. Then i saw Hayes' tweet.

'@HayesGrier: I love you so much. Please forgive me.'

Indirect to me i bet. I decided to make a YouTube video telling fans we did break up and blah,blah, blah.

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