Chapter 22

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*Hayes P.O.V*

"Hayes. Wake up!" I voice woke me.

I open my eyes and see Aaron. What the heck did he want! I turn to see if Alex woke up. Of choose she didn't. She was perfect. She slept on her stomach and her hands were under her pillow beneath her head.

"Hayes!" Aaron whispered a little louder.

"what?!" I snap back at him.

"can I talk to you downstairs please?" He asked walking towards the door and opening it. I roll my eyes and walk out leaving Alex on her bed. We get downstairs.

"now what?" I ask.

"are you and Alex really a thing?" Did he really just ask that?!

"Yeahh why do you care?"

"You better stay away from her." He warned. He looked mad.

"why?" I say in his face.

"just stay away from her!"he repeated.

"too late, man" I say turning to go back upstairs.

someone turns me and punches me. I fall to the ground and my noise starts to bleed.


"I. TOLD. YOU. TO. STAY. AWAY. FROM. HER!" He yells between punches. By now he was on top if me punching me

What the heck!? We were best friends before we even got here! Now he's punching me because of who I like!

"AARON STAHP IT!" i hear Alex yell at him trying to intrude.

I try to protect myself but I can't.


He didn't listen to her. I was still on the ground protecting myself. My face was now swollen and I was bleeding.

I come between them,"Aaron St-" he hit her. He stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw Alex laying on the ground next to me and Was holding her cheek.

"OOHH MY GOD ALEX I'M SO SORRY!"He said trying to help her up from the ground. She slap his hand away.

Did he really just friken do that!? He friken punched Alex! ALEX! WHAT THE ACTUAL F DUDE! HE DID NOT JUST SLAP MY GIRLFRIEND! NOW HE'S THE ONE THAT NEEDS A PUNCH!

"just go to you're room." she demanded while I try to help her get up.

"Alex seriously. I'm rea-" he starts to say.

"Aaron just leave her alone please." I interrupt, pushing him away from her.

She was crying. I looked at her cheek that was punched and it was turning purple/green/blue. It was really swollen. I feel like crying with her. I didn't though.

Aaron ran up stairs and all the boys came out of they're rooms. They started at Aaron and he Just brushed by then and ran into the room.

"what happened?" Asked Nash. All the boys were now rushing downstairs including Carrie.

Alex just covered her eyes. I pulled her into a hug and put my head on hers. She just cried and cried.

"I'm gonna fudging kill him." Taylor said infuriated. He started for the stairs but the Jacks held him.

"dude calm down!" Cameron said turning him.

"he friken punched my little sister dude!" He yelled.

Summer Love (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now