Chapter 31

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Today was the day we left for Magcon Maine. I was actually nervous. I dont know if it was the plane ride or the fact that some fans dont like me...

I woke up with Hayes' arm on top of my stomach and him laying down next to me on his stomach. I slowly move his arm trying not to wake him up. Besides it was too early. I go into my bathroom and take  quick shower. When i finish, i wrap the towel around my wet body and slide on some panties and a bra. I chose to wear some regular ripped jean shorts and a black  tank top with my brown cardigan. Along with my with converse.I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth and brush my hair. Since my hair is wet i just decide to put it in a high side bun. When im done i go back into the room and find Hayes sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Well good morning Mr.Grier." i joke.

"Good morning Ms. Guttierez Caniff."He said back.

I was looking at myself in my full length mirror just to check if i look ok. I see hayes come behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.

"Good Morning" he said once again in his raspy voice. His morning voice is the most beautiful voice in the world. He kissed my cheek and layed his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes.

"Good Morning" i turn to face him and kiss his plump lips.

He was still laying on my shoulder and had his hands around my waist. I try to get out his grip but he wont budge.

"Hayes you need to go get ready." i whisper to him. He groaned and shook his head.

"Come on. We leave in like 4 hours!" i keep trying to loosen his grip.

"Exactly we have 4 hours. I change in like 3 minutes." he groaned.

"Can you at least let go of me?" i laugh.

"no." he answers flattly.

I turn and face him,"Pwease?" i pout, kissing his lips once again. His eyes open a bit and he gives me a smirk. "pwitty pwease?" i kiss him once again. He smiled again with a little light scoff."Ok. Im not gonna kiss you again if you dont let go of me." i cross my arms.

"Ugh. Fine." He finally let me go

"You better get dressed. Im going to wake up the other boys and see if we can go out and have breakfast somewhere then head to the Airport." i say heading out of my room with Hayes following me. he goes into his room as i go into Taylors room.

I sneak up to his bed and lean into his ear,"Cock-a-doodle-doo sleeping ugly!" I yell. he quickly woke up and playfully punched me. I bothered him until he got up. I did the same with the other boys.


We were all packed and loaded into the cars. Anna got here 15 minutes after all the boys got up. Carrie was already here. We all decided to go to IHOP for breakfast. I rode with Taylor, Hayes, Nash, Anna, Carrie and Shawn. Everyone else was in the other truck.


We got here exactly 10 minutes before the flight was called to board. Sea-Tac is a very crowded place during the summer like why would anyone want to come to Seattle for summer? I would understand why they would leave though.

"Flight 416 to Maine now boarding." the lady on the intercom announced.

I could feel my palms start to sweat and i was getting nervous. I felt a hand interwine with mine. I looked up and saw Hayes.

"You're gonna be fine. I promise." he whispered into my ear. I felt better knowing he was here with me.

We boarded the plane and i sat between Taylor and Hayes. This will be fun. I put my phone on Airplane Mode and set it between my legs.

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