Chapter 21

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"Alex wake up!" I heard someone whisper into my ear.

I flutter my eyes open and notice Aaron standing over me.

"what? What time is it?" I say confused a little.

"Well it's almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Me and the boys just got here." He smiled.

No. Just Stahp it Aaron. I liked you until you ignored me for all of Magcon...

"Oohh. Why did you wake me up?" I ask.

"well you're sleeping on Hayes and since you guys aren't really a thing well I gues-" he starts.

"we are "a thing" if you didn't know." I interrupt.

He looked at me puzzled. He got up from in front of me and walked upstairs. Is he starting to like me? I can't like him back...right? Eh I ignore him.

I slowly try to part away from Hayes so I could go up to my room. The couch was a little to small for me and Hayes.

"babe, what are you doing?" I heard Hayes say in a raspy voice. His voice is even attractive when he wakes up!

"I'm going up into my room so I could go to sleep. I guess we feel asleep here by accident."I whisper to him.

By now I was up on my feet. Hayes quickly got up as well.

"are you gonna come up with me?"I say mockingly.

"Jes."he smiled.

He picked me up and took me upstairs. He opened the door quietly but it still made some nose. He placed me down on my bed and jumped over to lay down next to me. I threw the sheets over mine and his body. He turned to face me and he just looked at me, smiling. He ran his fingers over my temples and down my cheeks then to my chin. I giggled a bit. Like I always do.

"Alex did you know that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?" He said moving a stand of my hair off my face and to the back of my ear.

"Hayes did you know you are the best liar I've ever met?" I joke while messing up his hair.

He laughed and then fixed his hair. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:30 in the morning. I wasn't that tired but when I looked back at Hayes his eyes were shut and he was lightly snoring. I looked at him for a little then felt tired no I feel asleep as well.


I woke up to the sound of telling. I roll of my bed where Hayes was not sleeping in.

It's friken 6 o'clock in the morning!

I run downstairs and find Aaron on to of Hayes. Connecting his fist to his prefect face. Why the heck is he punching him?

"AARON STAHP IT!" I yell at him trying to intrude.


He didn't listen. Hayes was still on the ground defenseless. His face was swollen and he was bleeding.

I come between them,"Aaron St-" he hit me. He stopped.

My cheek started to hurt a lot.

"OOHH MY GOD ALEX I'M SO SORRY!"He said trying to help me up from the ground. I slap his hand away.

"just go to you're room." I demand getting of the ground.

What was his problem?!

Summer Love (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now