Chapter 10

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*Alex P.O.V*

He stepped back and looked down at the floor as I heard Jordyn come down the stairs. I turn to glare at her.

She stops abruptly.

I burn a hole through her with my eyes as she stands there.

"oops sorry."She says running back up the stairs.

I turn back to look at Hayes.

"sorry about that" I say shyly.

He looked back at me and smiled.

"it's ok she's your friend. Friends look after each other."

"Yeahh I guess." I smiled. We made eye contact and there was just silence.

He just looked at me.

"We should do something today!" Breaking the silence between us.

"like what?"

"Well we can go to the mall or da beach?"

I smiled,"do the guys have to come?" He said with a pouty face.

"Yeahh probably. How would we get there walking?"

He gave me a sly smirk.

"Hayes I'm serious I am not walking 74479 miles to the mall or the beach!" I say slapping him lightly on his arm.

" your friends have to come too?"he said with the same pouty face.

"Yeahh but Anna would probably be with your brother and Jordyn would probably be with Matt, so you don't have to worry." I smiled

He smiled back.

I don't even know if this kid likes me. But I like him. Not because he's famous but he's different. The opposite of Sam. Sam never really hungout with me but we would face time each other our call each other.he focused mostly on sports. This kid actually wants to hangout with me. He seemed more interested in Mee than his friends.

"ok well I'll go wake up the boys and you and your friends should get ready." He winked at me.

"wait where are we going then?" Not knowing what he had in mind.

"to the beach." He smirked and ran up the stairs.

I just stood there and smiled for a minute.


"I don't have a swimsuit!" Anna said while I was digging though my messy drawers looking for my bathing suits.

"don't worry I have some." I say to both of them. I pull out my blue, two piece strapless one, my pink one piece that has the holes on the sides and my purple with white pocka dotted two piece. I wanted the blue one because blue is my favorite color! Anna took the one piece and Jordyn took the purple one. I changed in my closet, and changed in my room and Jordyn changed in my bathroom. When I was done I asked Anna if she was done so I could get out of my messy closet. I'm not the cleanest person in the world ok. She said she was so I got out. She write some ripped denim shorts and a white v neck over her swimsuit along with black sandals. I grabbed some white ripped jean shorts and a blue crop top showing half my mid drift and white flip flops. Jordyn come out of my bathroom and is wearing ripped denim shorts and a tight pink shirt with pink flip flops. We all quickly grabbed towels for everyone and put it in my big Lululemon bag. I grabbed $50 from the money that my Mom left for me and Taylor. I unplugged my phone from my charger and put it in my back pocket. Anna and Jordyn do the same. I put my hair up on a high side ponytail.

Anna puts hers in a side braid and Jordyn leaves hers down, like always. We run downstairs and find all the boys eating the leftover pancakes me and Hayes made. Hayes was standing against the wall behind where Jack Gilinsky was sitting. Anna and Jordyn rush to the table and take a seat next to the boys. I go over to Hayes and his eyes go wide.

"what?" I say while looking down at myself to check if something was wrong.

" just look really beautiful.," I smiled and I felt my cheeks get hot.

I could hear all the boys Oooooo behind us. I laughed a little and Hayes blushed. After the boys finished we made attachment for who's going in what car.

"ok Alex you and your friends are riding with Cameron."directed Taylor.

"can ride with them too?" Interrupted Hayes.

Taylor looked at me and I smiled.

"ok fine."he sighed. Then he told all the other boys where to go. We walked out of the house and I locked the front door. We hop into the cars and made our way to the beach.

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