Chapter 6

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*Alexs P.O.V*

Anna Beth and Jordyn were just standing there with their arms crossed over their chest waiting for one of us to answer.

" I was just uh-" I started then was interrupted.

"I was just keeping her company until you guys got here." Hayes answered while unwrapping his arm around my waist and rolling off my bed.

I sat up quickly but stayed where I was.

"well I'll see you later Alex..." He said awkwardly looking towards the door where Anna and Jordyn were still standing looking at Hayes in a snobby way.

"Excuse me." He barley said to them so he could get passed the door and closed it shut.

What the actual guys!

They ran over with huge smiles on their faces and jumped onto my bed where I was.

"Ooo, you and Hayes!..." Jordyn started to say.


"Dude, chill we were just messing around." Anna replied patting my knee.


"ok we'll apologize to him tonight before we watch the movie." Jordyn said mimicking what Anna did.

"what movie?" I asked for both me and Anna

"me and Matt thought it would be a good idea for all 13 of us to watch a movie together. W agreed to watch it at 7 in you're big family room." She said kinda blushing just by mentioning the me and Matt part. I look over at the clock.

It's 5:45.


"Heey Imma take a quick shower and I'll meet you guys down there when I'm done, Kay?" I told both of my friend.

They nodded and said ok.

I run to the bathroom and turn the hot water on. I turn my music on and undress myself. I step into the shower and rub shampoo all over my hair. Jack &Jack s song Flights came on and I sang along to it not carrying who heard. When I finished I dry my soft skin and put on my running shorts, sports bra and my red Magcon sweatshirt over it to stay warm. I didn't feel like drying my hair so I just brushed it out. When I was done I went into my room to put on some fuzzy socks and slippers on. I looked back at the time.


Ha, I take a long time to get whatever.

I run downstairs to my family room and find all the boys there. Anna was sitting next to Nash who put his arm around her shoulder and Jordyn was sitting next to Matthew just having a normal conversation.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turn to see Hayes running towards me.

"hi" I say giving him a genuine smile.

"Hey" he replied returning it with a big white smile.

"there's only that couch left if you both wanna sit there.." Shawn said to us pointing at the 2 person blue couch in the middle of the room.

Before I could answer all I heard was an,"OK!" from Hayes. He went and sat down in the middle of the couch.......on purpose. I walk over and he scoots barely an inch. I try to squeeze in but I accidentally sat on him but got off quickly.

"Sorry" I say getting up fast and moving a piece of hair from my face to behind my ear.

"it's ok" he grinned.

He grabbed me by the waist and literally pulled me onto his lap.

"comfortable?" He asked with a smirk.

I couldn't help But nod. I didn't know if I liked him or nah. He's really attractive and caring but I don't even know if I'm over Sam. Even if we aren't a couple anymore, I still feel like I like him...

Do I?

"Are you comfortable?" I asked him trying erase the thought from my head.

" why wouldn't I be?" He asked half laughing.

"Ohh I dunno maybe because I'm on you!"


He chuckled,"nah you're fine."

I could feel my cheeks flush.

He looked at my with those big blue eyes then spoke...

"you're really pretty you know that?" I just knew I was blushing.

"Not to mention how cute you look when you blush," he chuckled a little,"and I like you're hair when is natural." He added while grabbing a stand of hair and twirling it in his index finger. I could not stop smiling. Then I spoke while moving my body so my bottom is on the couch, my back against the arm rest but my legs are still on his lap.

" I think you're really cute and I love your eyes."now he was the one blushing. "not to mention how cute you look when you blush." I copied what he said about Mee. He just laughed.

We watched The The Stooges. I laughed so Hard i couldn't even breathe. I looked over and Hayes was looking at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask as he started to laugh.

" oh nothing." He half laughed. "you just have a cute laugh that's all." He said rubbing his bottom lip.

Ohh Lord Jesus.....


I really hope you guys like it and thank you for the reads. I'm especially sorry for all the typos, I'm doing this on my phone and it's just stupid. But keep on reading add Pleeeaaaseee vote or comment idrc but again thank you! ILY GUYS!

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