Chapter 37

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*Alex P.O.V*

I woke up with a minor headache. I turn to the clock to see the time. Its 3 oclock in the morning. I have tried to sleep but ive only slept at least 2 hours today. I roll off my bed and out my door. I creep to my parents room and into their bathroom. I grab an Asprin off their shelf and take it down stair into the kitchen.

I fill a tall glass up with water. I throw the pill into my mouth and chug down the glass of water along with the pill. I look out the small window and it was still raining. I heard thunder and say a light flash from outside. Lightning. i love this kind of weather.

I go over to the living room and sit down on the couch with a fuzzy blanket. I turn the TV on with the volume low. I turn to the channel with movies. The Anchorman was on. I decided to see that. I was snapped out of the movie when i heard louder thunder and lightning. I jumped and looked at out the two double doors and saw it pouring gallons of water from the sky.


I only saw the ending of the movie, about 20 minutes and started watching Mall Cop. I heard pounding coming from the two glass windows. It was 3:30 in the morning and i was scared to turn. I hid my face under the blanket to avoid the pounding. It kept on going for about 10 minutes. Why would someone come to my house in the middle of the night when its raining?

It continued until i got the guts to look over at the doors. I uncover my face to look at the window. There stood a tall hooded figure of a guy. I didnt know who it was. I guess the guybsay me looking that he stopped banging on the doors. He took off his hood. Oh my God.

There stood the boy who injured me. A boy who loved me. Soaked brown hair and sorry eyes. Kakis pants that are wet and a drenched baggy North Carolina Lacrosse hoodie. It was Hayes.

I hurry to the door and open them.

"Alex, can we-" he starts to say in a shaky voice.

"Hayes get in." i say pulling him into my house.

It was cold. I was wearing shorts and a tank top. Maybe thats why i was cold. I told him to stay standing next the doors while i go to a closet to grab some towels and upstairs to grab a pair of clothes from Taylors room for him. When i go downstairs Hayes wasnt there anymore. I looked all around and there was no sign of him. I look out the glass doors again and see him sitting on thee e ground with his hands in his face. I open the doors.

"Hayes, get in here. Your gonna die of animonia." tell him.

He turn to look at me. He looked a bit skinnier and pale. He stood up and walked towards me. He stopped right in front of me outside the doors.

"get in!" i yell at him.

He stood there. I looked at him. He cupped my cheeks and crashed his lips against mine. His lips were chaped and cold. My brain said I didnt want to kiss him but my body didnt listen to my brain. I kissed back. I didnt notice he was slowly pulling me closer to him and i was now getting wet. I didnt care though. My hands went up into his damp hair. He kissed me harder.

*Hayes P.O.V*

"Hayes, get in here. Your gonna die of animonia." I heard Alex voice from behind me.

i turn to look at her. She had her arms crossed.I stood up and walked towards her. I stop just before i ter the door right in front of her.

"get in!" She yelled at me.

I just stood there like the idiot that i am. I cant belive im about to do this. I cupped her face and crashed my lips against her tender ones. She started to kiss back. Im glad she is. I started pulling her into the rain. I remeber how much she used to say she always thought it was cute when couples kissed inthe rain. Even thought we arent a couple, i still want to grant her a wish. Her hands went up into my hair. I kissed her harder. I want it to be like this forever. Us. I dropped my hands to her waist and brought her closer to me. Her hands went to my face and pulled me more to her. Her hair was down and by now it was soaked. It looked good beause it was a shade darker and it was straighter.

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