Chapter 32

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I woke up before anyone else. I was inbetween Matt and Hayes. I slowly slide down the bed and get out from the bottom. I got up from the floor and walked over to my suitcase and grab some clothes. I grab white high waisted shorts, my Tie-dye Taylor Caniff shirt and i grabbed Taylors tye-dye bandana. I walk into the bathroom and change. I plug in my straightener and straighten my hair which ends at the top of my butt. 'I need a hair cut' i think to myself. When im done i fold up the bandana and i tie it around my huge head. I also put on my white Vans. i get out of the bathroom and see that Carrie was already up.

"Hey bae!" she said exaggerating the 'bae'.

"Heyy BOO!" i say back.

"I like your outfit! Can i borrow it one day?!" she asked with wide eyes examining my outfit.

"I dont care." i half laugh.

"oh ma gad yaaasss!" she clapped her hands.

"Are you gonna get ready? We could go get some breakfast together and i can text Anna to meet us downstairs too."

"Yas. Let me just go to the bathroom and ill meet you outside, kay?" she said while gathering her clothes. I nod and text Anna.

Yo Anna Banananananananananananaaaa! Wanna go get some breakfast with meeeh and Carrie?

Shhoooaar! Ill meet you outside the room in 5 min!

Okki. See ya soon!

"Carrie hurry up!" i bang on the bathroom door.

"Let me just brush ma hir and ill be out in a sec."

"Ugh. Fine, just hurry up."

I go out of the room and wait for both of them. Anna comes out wearing light pink high waisted shorts and a hot pink tank top with white Keds and her pink shades. I want to be her, shes so perfect. Lol i say that about all ma friends.

"Hey!" she hugged me.

"Hey." i hug her back.

"Guess what!?" she said with wide eyes.


"I am officially the girlfriend of Hamilton Nash Grier!" She squealed.

"Congrats Banana!" i clap my hands.

"Ugh. Im soo happy right now!" she groaned.

"I bet you are. That was your wish huh?"

"Yes like i cant believe it happened!"

"Well now we have to wait for the slow poke to get some breakfast." i point to the hotel room where Carrie was still in.

"Im here!" Carrie yelled was she opened the door.

She was wearing light blue high waisted shorts, a white Abrocombie shirt and her white converse.

"About time!" Anna said.

"Sorry. I needa look good for dem boys. By boys i mean Shawn." she said adjusting her perfectly curled hair.

"Well you look hot!" Anna joked.

"Thanks. You look hot yo self brah!" Carrie sarcasticlly said back.


I filled my plate with waffles, hashbrowns[nashbrowns], bagel wth cream cheese and some strawberries. Anna got bacon, waffles, eggs and blueberries. Carrie got like everything. We were eating and talking when i felt my phone vibrate. Ot was a text from Hayes.

ALEX! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!?!!!!!

Easy tiger. Im downstairs with Anna and Carrie eating breakfast. Is everyone up?

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