Chapter Forty Three

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--Cedric's POV--
I felt the crack of Sammy's bones clearly and I just wanted to curl up and cry like a baby, he was in pain and I wasn't there for him. I'm clearly not trying hard enough to get out of here.

The door slammed open and I squinted as light flooded into the room "I brought you a friend Cedric" Samandriel's father grinned widely as two hunters dragged my unconscious father into the room and threw him down onto the cold cement.

My father was black and blue beyond recognition and his clothes stained thick with dried blood, an open gaping wound across his stomach oozed black blood constantly.

"The twins gave me the slip but their betrayal will not go unnoticed"

"You're beyond sick, what kind of a father are you? You're a surgeon! You've helped us before" I strained against the chains to try get closer to my father.

"That was until I found out that your kind had defiled my children!" He deliver a harsh kick across my face spraying blood across the already dirty floor.


Samandriel's father stopped and his face fell as he turned to face one very furious Talia.

"Tali, I can explain."

"No! How dare you treat our boys' family like this!" She yelled balling her hands into fists.

"Dad..Please, wake up" I begged nudging him with my elbow "I'm terrified and I really need your help right now" I choked on a sob managing to grab hold of his arm to shake him.

"Look what you have put this boy and his father through! And our son! Our poor baby boy is suffering!" Talia was growing hysterical beating at his chest angrily.

"Come with me." He growled tugging her out of the room and slamming the door behind him.


"Dad. Dad, are you okay?" I crawled my way across the floor to my now semi conscious father.

"Look at you, what have they done to you?" His canines peeked from his mouth in anger at my poor horrible state.

"What about Sammy, is he doing okay?" I asked hopefully

"His health is deteriorating a lot faster being away from you and the weight is taking its toll on his bones, but he's a tough kid" He coughed pressing his hands to his wound.

"Why are you not healing?"

"Wolfsbane dagger" He dragged himself to sit against the wall "Wesley and Willow went to Angelo and Brandon for help, William will probably come running if he catches wind of it"

"Where are we anyway?"

"We're underground at what seems like abandoned subway tunnels just outside of London" My father reached out to tug on the chains but recoiled immediately "When was the last time you ate?"

"I..don't remember, we go for a while without food as werewolves but its been months"

--Sammy's POV--
"Please be gentle with him, he is fragile enough" Claude ordered hovering nervously around the bed.

"I told you to stay on bed rest Sammy" Hayley tutted ushering a worried Charlie and William out of the room and closing the door.

"I know, Charlie wanted to take the little ones out to play and to get me out of the house" I bit back a cry as Hayley prodded my hip.

"You don't need to hold back for me love, you've been strong enough as it is" She cooed pressing an ice pack to the blackened area and wrapping a bandage around it tightly.

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