Chapter Thirteen

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--Samandriel's Point Of View--

I still felt a little iffy around Silas because he is like the evil and even more sex crazed version of Cedric "Is that it?" He asked pointing to the big fortress looking building up on the nearby hill "That seems like it" I squinted to try and make out anything familiar "Well let's go then" He smirked starting off into the bushes whistling some sort of weird tune as I followed along behind him

"You know Sammy you can be a real firecracker when you want to be, how come when you get confronted you fold and let them do what they want with you?" He tilted his head slightly leaning against a tree "Well my dad never taught me to stand up for myself, this is the most I've seen of him" I snapped stomping past him up the base of the hill.

"I didn't mean to upset you Sammy" He whined jogging to catch up to me "You know when you get upset it hurts Cedric and I, even from the first moment we saved you from Tobias beating you up" He smiled genuinely and it was very weird it was oddly calming, What the hell is wrong with these damn werewolves?

The smile quickly disappeared when his eyes turned to the guard walking past the entrance of the building, Silas' eyes glowed a menacing red colour and I felt my stomach contort in fear "Don't be scared Sammy, can you pass me one of your cards? I'll make sure to hit him where it won't kill him" He smiled reassuringly taking one of my playing cards from me, He held it up and with a slight flick of his wrist the card flew across the clearing and hit the guard in the back of the neck knocking him to the floor.

"He's unconscious but not dead" Silas jogged over to the guard and dislodged the card from the back of his neck "And it's a freaking electrical lock" He curse kicking the door angrily "The roof maybe?" I pointed to a a nearby maintenance ladder on the wall "I have rope also" I rummaged through my bag to find the abseiling rope that my father used back when he didn't work as much.

"Good Man let's go then, He is getting weaker" Silas jumped up onto the ladder climbing onto the roof and pulling me up "The place where they keep all their weapons is just over that gap" He pointed to the taller builder that was a fair jump away "I can try find something to make a bridge for you" Silas offered, I shook my head I had one talent that could help here.

"Actually I did a lot of free running and gymnastics when I was little" And I swear his jaw dislocated as his mouth gaped freely "What? I knew I would of been picked on at school if I continued it" I rolled my eyes taking a few steps away from the side of the building before running and leaping off the edge across the gap latching onto the ledge of the other building before jumping up onto the roof.

"Well, now I know why your parents wanted to train you" He chuckled messing up my hair with his hand "Please. Let's not talk about them while I'm playing Mission Impossible" I cringed at the thought of Charlie scolding me to death if he found out what we are doing "Over here, air vent" Silas stepped over a grate and yanked it up probably with his big bad werewolf strength.

"I'm to tall fit down there, but you are perfect. Short and Thin" He grinned kicking the grate to the side and picked up the length of rope and snapping the clip around the loop of my belt "W-What if I get seen?" I protested stepping away from the hole "I'll pull you up, just tug on it if you want to come up" He rolled his eyes pushing me toward the vent "It's the bright green coloured vial" He patted my shoulders eagerly.

I stuck my legs in and sat on the edge as Silas carefully lowered me into the room, It was pitch black but I could make out the silhouettes of weapons the only source of light was the light flickering in the glass cabinet holding various amounts of vials only bad thing was that there was very big lock on the door, I reached around in my pocket and found the dagger that my father had given me and stuck it into the lock.

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