Chapter Twenty Nine

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--Samandriel's Point Of View--
Cedric was already laying across the bed reading a comic book from the pile set beside him even wearing my glasses that he had gotten from the side table when I returned from giving William the first aid box "I'm surprised you can see through them, I'm as blind as a bat" I climbed onto him sitting on his lower back running my hands over his shoulders "Nope. You had your chance Sammy" Cedric pouted ignoring me completely.

"Woah! Sammy topping?! Don't let me interrupt!" Arianna whooed from the open doorway grinning widely "What do you want Ari?" Cedric groaned wriggling underneath me to lay on his back "I have to house sit for Elijah tonight and watch the club, he said you guys could come as long as we cleaned any sheets afterwards" She winked to me sending the blood gushing to my cheeks.

"That's not funny." I grumbled sliding off of Cedric's back much to his disappointment "Sammy. Come with me for a moment, Cedric can make his own way to the apartment right? I want to borrow Sammy. Be there by at least 11:30" She smiled wickedly tugging me off of the bed and dragging me out of the room behind her "Now. We're gonna dress you in something that will make Cedric so horny that he has to resist not to take you there and then." Arianna forced me onto her bed and retrieved a bag from the corner of her room.
"You planned this didn't you?" I crossed my arms earning an evil grin "I did actually. Just to y'know get back at Cedric for Grace." She laughed quite mentally and I gulped, this woman is gonna kill me.

--Cedric's Point Of View--
Arianna had pretty much dragged Sammy out of the room leaving me there in a pile of comic books "I'm hungry. Let's find food" Silas pushed us toward the door, I was extremely careful climbing down the stairs so that I wouldn't fall on the tiles again. I shuffled into the kitchen to find Charlie sitting at the kitchen island playing with a mug filled with some sort of liquid.

"Are you supposed to be up Charlie?" I dragged out a stool and sat down beside him "Ah well, when you're feeling sick every waking hour doesn't help. But then I can't sleep" He yawned rubbing his eyes that had deep purple bags clung to them "I keep having either night terrors or hallucintations, even after the corrective surgery for the problem in my brain. Then Will is always stressed trying to take care of me and it's all bullshit to be honest" He rested his head on the table yawning again

"What are the nightmares about?" I persisted leaning closer to him "Well, blood and lots of it. Then this symbol and these words" He unfolded a piece of paper and held it out to me, the familiar celtic cross and wolf symbol stung painfully in my chest "This symbol. It's the family crest of a large mafia net of Werewolf Vampire Hybrids, we were at war with them when I was 16, that's how I died originally." I placed the paper onto the table and traced my hands over the words.

"It translates to 'We are waiting." I turned my gaze up to him before back To the paper "Wait there's a little more." I squinted to the smaller black lettering below it "For the perfect hybrid sacrifice" My throated closed pushing the paper away from me "Oh god. Are they referring to what I think they are?" Charlie whimpered putting his head in his hands resting his elbows on the table, I nodded relucantly swallowing the lump forming in my throat.

"Have you talked to Hayley about the A word" He shook his head again "I-I can't do that. I have not seen William THIS happy since we met, it would kill him. Then Hayley would skin me" He mumbled lifting his head to take a sip from the mug."That's because they care ,Hayley cares for you and Charlie like you were own sons, just like she does with Angeles because she never had children and you and Will were born to be together." I took an orange from the fruit bowl sarting to pull the skin off of it.

"Why didn't she?" He asked tilting his head slightly "She was in the same situation as you were. Stubborn. One month came and she died but luckily her dormant werewolf genes kicked in but the baby died, it was highly traumatic. William was there when it happened, That's why William is so overbearingly protective of you." I tore a piece of the orange off and stuck it in my mouth.

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