Chapter Twenty Seven

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--Samandriel's Point Of View--

"Ugh. We have school" Cedric groaned sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly shaking his hair out pulling on his tee shirt and pulling the blanket around to find his jeans "It's the hunters versus supernaturals combat competition day today, so it should be fun" I shrugged folding up the blanket and picking up my discarded clothes "Not as fun as spending the night watching you writhe around lustfully" He growled grinning evily grabbing my leg and yanking me towards him thrusting his mouth into mind jerking his hand to the buttons of my jeans.

"Cedric! You better be presentable!" Claude scolded loudly making Cedric jump away from me "Jeez Claude I'm getting there" He grumbled crawling out of the tent "You're going to be late! Hop to it!" He growled giving us our satchels and pushing us toward the forest trails "Race you to school" I challenged darting past him, the trees and rocks blurred as I darted past toward the outskirts of the forest.

"I win bloodsucker" Cedric laughed tackling me to the ground at the doors of the central part of the school "No you don't! Get your ass off me!" I thrashed around grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking him off of me "Hey furball get off our prized hunter!" Willow hollered pulling me to my feet putting an arms length between us "Don't worry, Cedric is our prized supernatural" Grace appeared out of nowhere latching onto a very confused looking Cedric's arm earning an eyeroll from Arianna who had just arrived.

See I knew it was too good to be true yet I still believed him "Well. I have to go get my name signed off with the judges" I spoke up turning swiftly and followed Willow, Wesley and Arianna into the central building. Willow and Arianna rambled to eachother about some weird television show until we reached the auditorium, To my disbelief Charlie was sitting in one of the judges' chair flipping through a few sheets of paper

"Charlie!" I called out and his head snapped up to me quickly getting up from the chair to jog over to us throwing his arms around me squeezing me tightly "Y-You're supposed to be in hospital though, you look horrible" I pouted motioning to his ghostly pale face that you could he was running a fever because of the red tinge to his cheeks and the tiny beads of sweat forming on his hairline and instead of purple bags under his eyes they were a deep red and by god I thought I was hugging a skeleton.

"Well William doesn't know I'm out and neither does Hayley. They're both at the meeting so I came here, and no one can get a better hunter than myself" He smirked triumphantly ruffling my hair gently "I did hear about it though." I muttered turning my gaze up to his distressed eyes

"As much as I want to be an uncle, you're being horribly selfish about it. Have you ever considered how Will feels about this? If he feels pain for your decision" I crossed my arms pushing down the guilty feeling as I watched his face drop substantially "I didn't. I am so stupid. Gah I'm such a narcissistic dimwitted cocksucker" He cursed facepalming harshly, A few snickers rose from the group "Yeah you got one thing right" Arianna snorted bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Okay enough I get it. I'll go back when I'm done" He rolled his eyes just as the morning bell rang "Go stand on the hunters side with the twins, Arianna have to stay on the supernatural side" He smiled sympathetically to Arianna who returned with a loud groan moving to sit in one of the many chair on the right half of the auditorium. The gym slowly started with students from both sides.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! These scores will depict which grades you receive on the practical side of your reports" Charlie wandered up and down the front row explaining the rules in great detail "Mister Charlie Sir! Is it true that you got knocked up by a royal werewolf?" A girl called out from across the auditorium to him.

Charlie let out an exasperated sigh "Yes I did. But I am married to that werewolf. Let this be a warning to you guys, If you plan to shag a werewolf do make sure they ARE NOT in their heat cycle" He shook his head and the auditorium erupted into quiet laughter with a few selective sqeauls from Arianna and her friends "That isn't very nice of you." Someone grumbled from the doorway, Everyone's heads turned in the direction of the voice that matched to a very displeased looking William.

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