2nd Year

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After they'd eaten, Harry asked if they wanted to continue. They obviously said yes. So, he began telling about his second year, starting with that summer.

"So basically, I did chores, lots of them, and Dobby visited. On the supposed biggest night of Vernon's career." Harry rolled his eyes.

"How come you call your Uncle without his title, but you call your Aunt her respected title?" Ginny asked.

Harry shrugged. "She never wanted to torment me. She only did it because she was scared of Vernon. She only kept me alive because I reminded her of her sister."

He continued. "So, as I was saying, Dobby came over, I didn't promise not to go back to Hogwarts, so he smashed the pudding, I was locked in my room, bars on the windows, bolts on the door, cat flap...I think it's still there, actually. Anyway, I was convinced I was going to die,"

"How can you say that so calmly!?" Ginny exclaimed, along with others.

Harry chuckled humorlessly.
"Come on. I've almost died...once...twice...three...four...five...sixish times in my life. You get used to it. Unless you count Umbridge, but she wasn't trying to kill me...anyway, I was rescued by flying car, brought here, met you guys, and then going to Diagonal Alley, we'll we all know what happens there." HE smirked at Arthur's embarrassed face at remembering the "brawl" with Lucius.
  "Well, Arthur, at least you can say you punched Lucius Malfoy and made it out with barely a scratch. I mean, with all my battles, I at least have blood. Hmm. That didn't sound as reassuring as I'd hoped."

They all chuckled.

"So, I'm at parslemouth, was hated for most of the year, uh,"

"Harry, just start from after I'm taken into the Chamber." Ginny suggested.

He nodded. "Well, Ron and I were hiding in the staffroom, -not anything bad!- and found out. So, we went to Lockhart, who was supposed to be going down there. We went down there, Ron and Lockhart got blocked from continuing with me, I met Riddle, but like, a younger version, around 16 or so, battled a badilisk, got big in the arm, Fawkes saved me by crying on the wound, grabbed Ginny, and that's the end."

"You're really downplaying it. You also got the sword from the Sorting Hat." Ron said.

"Oh, yeah. Forgot about that part. I also slayed the basilisk."

"Harry, thanks for saving Ginny." Charlie said, white-faced.

Harry smiled.

"Third year?"

"I suppose. "

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