Chapter 24

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Nicki's POV:

I woke up and put on some jeans with a plain tee and a gold and black jacket. Safaree was downstairs waiting for me so I hurried. I walked down and seen Lauren on the couch going through her phone.

"Be back later" I said.

"Okayy" she said. She looked alittle pissed but I didn't bother to ask. I left out the house grabbing my purse. I got in the passengers seat of Safaree's car and he drove towards my house.

"What all you need?" He asked.

"Just some clothes for now. You know just until I figure out everything" I said.

"Mhm, and when will you get to that?" He asked. I laughed.

"Don't be trying to act all nonchalant." He started laughing.

"Baby I'm just trying to be involved so I can know if I need to step in" he said.

"I know and when I get to it, we will get through it together" I said.

"I know you're gonna need me. Drake is a crazy man, he ain't gone let shit slide".

"Nice to know you know what he is like" I said. He laughed pulling up into our driveway. I got out the car, getting out my keys as I walked to the door. Putting my key in, it wouldn't turn. I tried that key and my mailbox key,neither one worked. I turned groaning.

"He changed the locks didn't he?" Safaree asked.

"Ugh! Yes." I said. I looked at my key thinking. "Come with me" I said walking to the back of the house.

"Baby what are you doing?" Faree asked.

"Getting in the back door, I know he didn't change that one" I said. I looked at the back door as I got closer and put my key in the lock. Surprisingly it opened and I slid the door open. I walked to my alarm and turned it off. Safaree laughed shaking his head.

"Already playing the divorce game" I said walking up the stairs. Safaree watched as I got a suit case and put more of my clothes in.

"Nicki we are only staying for a weekend" he said.

"Yes but I don't wanna come back here anytime soon so I need more clothes"

"True" he said. I laughed and went into the bathroom just in case I needed something out of there. I zipped it up and Safaree helped me carry it out.

"I'll meet you after I do the alarm" I said. He nodded and went to put my bag in the car. I closed the door back and grabbed my purse. As I did, some mail fell on the floor. I picked it up looking at it and one was a letter to me along with my check and a notice for Drake. I put my mail in my purse and turned the alarm on. I left out and locked the door back.

Going back to the car Safaree was on his phone. He sat up and drove off once I got in.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes, why you ask?"

"Just making sure you're okay" he said. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks" I said. He continued to drive.

Manuel's POV:

I was at home and on my laptop looking for a good present for a girl. I'm not good with presents for girls, but if it was on vacation spots to take a girl, I would be great in that area.

"Daddy I feel sick" said my daughter Kiannah coming into my office. She was rubbing her stomach and looked sad.

"What did you eat?" I asked.

"A pickle, some cake, chicken that the babysitter cooked and fries" she said.

"Baby you ate too much" I said.

"I'm sleepy" she said.

"Come on" I said picking her up and carrying her to the kitchen. I warmed her up some milk and gave it to her to drink. She rubbed her eyes afterwards and fell asleep on the couch with me sitting next to her. I looked at her and carried her to her room, putting her in bed. I tucked her in and left out back to my office.

Yes, I am a single dad. Kiannah is six years old and her mom only comes around when it is beneficial to her. Don't get me wrong, she is in her life, just doesn't take care of her like she should. I haven't told Lauren about Kiannah yet because I want to wait until we get more serious. That way I will know if I want to introduce her to Lauren. Speaking of Lauren she wanted to talk to me.

"Hey baby" I said answering the phone.

"Hey, I wanted to let you know I'll be leaving soon and I'll be on the plane for a few hours" she said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you for a few days" I said.

"Awe, I know. I'm gonna miss you too babe" she said.

"I will like to see you in one of those bikinis on the beach" I said teasing her.

"I know you would" she said laughing. "But you will have to wait til I get back and then you can see me in it".

"I like the sound and aight of that" I said. She laughed.

"Well I have to go, Nicki and Safaree are ready to scoop me up and kidnap me" she joked.

"Have fun,me safe and call me when you land" I said.

"Okay, I will. Love you" she said.

"Love you too babe" I said then hung up.

Nicki's POV:

I was in the airport with Safaree and Lauren.mlittle did I know Safaree would have his bodyguards and have them escort us to his private jet.

"Babe you didn't have to do this" I said.

"Yes I did, I'm not getting on a plane with everyone else" he said chuckling. I laughed and went inside as the people put our bags up. Lauren sat in the back with her blanket covering her face while me and Safaree are in the front and snuggled up all laid out. I began getting sleepy and fell asleep.

Safaree's POV:

I'm nervous because I'm about to be so much closer to meeting Nicki's family. I'm not nervous because I'm meeting them, I'm nervous because it's the girl I love parents and family and I don't want to mess up anything. I don't wanna get on the wrong foot with them. And hopefully I don't find out about something with Nicki that is weird or horrible.

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