Just an update on the Characters

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Nicki is now looking at Safaree as far as the relationship can go. Safaree is after Nicki while Deake is trying to get her and still date other women. He will try and trick Nicki, who will be dating Safaree pretty soon. Drake will go mess things up, as usual. Lauren and Manuel will reunite at a concert sometime. Wayne and Cassie might make up, while she still will be talking to Drake and be friends with Nicki. The others will up to stuff too and if you don't know who is on the bus it is:


Shannel: who will be sleeping with Wayne and might have a fight with Cassie, but that tmi right now.

Chyna and Tyga

And others who I can't think of right now lol but that's just a small update on what's going on. Until the next post barbz. Comment if needed.

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