Chapter 8

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Nicki's POV:

I went in my room packing my bags for when I went on tour in a few days. Drake came out the shower and put on some clothes. I was now in my closet getting out a few shoes. He came up behind me and I felt his hands come around my waist, holding it.

"Baby I'm sorry for being a jerk, an ass, everything. I know I should treat you better and I will" he said. I turned and looked at him.

"Drake you don't get it and you won't get it unless something is off to you about us." I said turning back around grabbing some heels then leaving out the closet.

"Nicki I do get it. You want respect" he said.

"But am I going to get that Drake?" I asked looking at him. He looked back at me.

"Yes baby" he said. I shook my head and walked out.

"Drake I want you to see how much you really see me for. Cuz I really think you see right thru me as of being nothing" I said as he followed.

"Nicki you're making a big deal out of nothing and you have no reason to believe I'm cheating." He said.

"Drake I'm giving us a break. And it will be very easy to see what the actions of you will be doing and thinking to help me choose on my decisions about us" I said getting my stripper bag and looking through it for stuff I might need.

"What decisions about us? And are you going to work today?"

"That is something you will find out if you do the wrong thing and no."

"Nic you are trippin for no reason" he said. I rolled my eyes going back upstairs. I need to leave.

"Whatever Drake." He came up and sat on the bed and just looked at me pack.

Drake's POV:

Nicki is making a big deal out of nothing. And so what if I was? It's only with Cassie and I be using her ass. Nicki knows I love her and I know I love her. I just love being satisfied. I watched as she walked back and forth to her suit case packing. She looked beautiful and it's sexy when she's mad sometimes but this time it's uncalled for. She left out the room and I sat back on the headboard. I looked over and picked up my phone checking through it.

Nicki's POV:

I came back in the room with at least five toothbrushes, three deodorants and lots of perfume. I love being fresh and clean. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket as it played 'looking ass nigga'.

"Hey boo" I heard Lauren's voice say all happy.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just got back and thought we could use some girl time" she said.

"Ooh! Yes." I said alittle relieved, I really feel like getting away from Drake.

"I know, I had a feeling about you" she said.

"Girl you don't know the half of it" I said leaving back out the room. "I feel a little stressed and I'm just overwhelmed with worry". I said.

"Come on over and hash it out with me" she said.

"Okayy" I said happily.

"Yeah, go ahead and sound happy cuz I'm rescuing you" she said. We both started laughing.

"I'll be there in twenty" I said.

"Aight, bye"

"Bye" I said hanging up.

I went back upstairs and went into my closet. Drake was laying down on his phone. I slipped on some jeans and shirt and a blazer with boots.

"You going somewhere?" He asked.

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