Prince pt. 1

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     tw: telling someone to commit suicide, physical abuse

     Evan sat uncomfortably in his throne beside his mother and father. He had to attend a normal meeting and was hating the amount of eyes staring at them. It seemed all the citizens of their kingdom, Magnolia. His fingers tapped worriedly on the side of his golden throne, waiting until the court was dismissed and he could leave. Soon enough the royalty was released and Evan scurried off back to his room in the palace, slamming into another person as he tried to get to his door.

    "I-I'm so s-sorry!" Evan cried as he leant against his door, looking down on the taller boy who had fallen to the floor. He noticed his attire and realized he was a maid, and he blushed furiously for embarrassing himself.  

     "No, I should be the sorry one my prince." 

     "N-No it's okay... P-Please d-don't call me that either. J-Just Evan is fine." Evan hurried into his room, slamming the door behind him scared. He hadn't caught the name of the boy, but from the way he was still blushing he knew he was interested. The way his messy long hair fell on his shoulders made him smile for hours on end, and Evan had never seen eyes as pretty as his. 

     "Your highness, the Queen requests you have breakfast in the dining hall." A familiar voice sounded outside of Evan's door. It was the new maid boy from yesterday causing him to get up quickly and looking at the boy as if expecting something.

     "P-Please, don't call me your highness or anything... Evan. M-My name is Evan." Evan said flustered, looking at the other nervously.

     "I don't think your parents would like that."

     "W-What's your name, maid boy?" Evan tried to be polite to the other, smiling awkwardly.

     "I suppose it's fine to tell you... I am Connor. And you should probably put on some clothing." 

     "What- O-Oh." Evan noticed his bare chest, running back to his room and throwing on a shirt. He walked past Connor, nodding a thank you to the other as he rushed to eat breakfast. Connor Murphy smiled, not noticing the very evident blush on his cheeks as he watched Evan dash down the hall.

      Evan finished his food, bowing a goodbye to his parents as he noted he had scheduled himself to go for a walk through the kingdoms forests. His parents insisted at least a maid go with him, and Evan requested Connor. His father raised an eyebrow almost disapprovingly, but called for the other to be sent to his son. Connor couldn't be more confused when he saw Evan standing awkwardly, waving him over a little. He shook it off and put on a smile as he approached the other, blushing a little as he stood closer to him.

     "I've been told to accompany and protect you through your walk, sir."

      "Y-Yeah... Thank you. A-And it's Evan." Evan corrected for what felt like the hundredth time. He almost felt alone as Connor quietly followed behind him. Evan marveled at all the trees, stopping frequently to touch and collect leaves from a few. Connor looked at the other thoughtfully, imagining how great a life he must lead. He worked for the castle as a his family was a longtime service to the royalty, and it was basically legacy for him and his sister to continue. He would rather do anything else but clean the floors or get told off by the lead maid again, but at least he got to see Prince Evan.

     "I-I love these willow trees... They're so calming to me..." Evan sighed as he looked to Connor, sitting on the rocks near a small waterfall. They were close to the neighboring kingdoms territory, but Evan could care less as long at that point.

     "They are quite beautiful. Isn't this close to the border, Prince?"

     "Yeah... B-But I come here all the time." Evan would sneak from the castle on horse back when he could, and this place was his escape. Whenever days were to tolling on his mind, he took the night to come to the area and just relax. 

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