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    suicide mention

       "Evan hasn't been in for days now." Connor states emotionlessly to no one, but maybe Jared and Alana next to him. It was last period and he was exhausted. He hadn't gotten any texts from Evan and was to scared to seem to desperate when he texted more than once.

     "Yeah, usually you guys are always together so it's weird to see you alone." Zoe said with a small smile as she picked at the purple nail polish she had on. 

      "I heard he killed himself." The voice of a nearby listener added in, Connor's eyes widening and nearly jumping up.

      "No no no no..." Jared whispered quickly, slapping a hand over the nervous bystander while looking panicked to Connor. Connor was gripping the sides of the desk in his hands so tight that his knuckles were turning shades of white and purple. 

     "I'm sure thats not the case... We would have heard." Alana offered reassuringly, putting a comforting hand on Connor's arm only to have it slapped away.

     "What if I let him die? What a good boyfriend I would be! I let him fucking kill himself..." Connor started disassociating, forgetting any other possible situation but going to the absolute worst. Jared glared at the boy who has said so, looking back to Connor before spamming Evan with texts.

     "Hey, why don't you go over to Evan's after school? I-I'm sure he's fine." Jared's voice cracked a little as he put the pieces together seeing how Evan might actually be dead. He gripped Connor's hand in his own, squeezing it tightly for a moment before offering a small smile. Connor nearly looked grateful but dropped Jared's hand. The trio managed to sit through their last period class, Connor excusing himself to go to the bathroom to text Evan more. He noticed that Evan hadn't even read any of them, causing him to curse and throw his phone at the stall door. A small crack appeared, causing Connor to shove his hands into his pockets and rush back to class. As soon as the bell sounded Connor grabbed his messenger bag and pushed by Alana and Jared, taking time to sneer at the boy from before and then running out the door.

     "I'm on my way over... Please be okay."

     Connor knocked on the door quickly, waiting a total of five seconds before finding the key under the potted plant to open the door. There was no sign of anybody being home, but he still rushed up to Evan's room to investigate. By the time he got to the door, he was almost sobbing. He didn't want Evan to be dead, he didn't know how he could deal with life if he was. He put his hand on the door, pushing it open slowly to see a body almost lifeless on the bed. 

     "E-Evan!" Connor's voice was choked, rushing to the side of Evan's bed and putting his hand on the boys shoulder. Evan stirred, turning over slowly and looking groggily to Connor.

     "Why... Why are you crying?" Evan's voice sounded drowsy, but Connor couldn't do anything but cry as he hugged the boy close to his chest.

     "Someone s-said you were dead and I fu-fucking believed it... I-I was so scared!" Connor mumbled into Evan's shoulder as he gripped the boy tight. Evan almost laughed before he started a coughing fit, pulling away from Connor as his voice scratched through.

     "I-I'm really sick. B-But not dead! I'm sorry I didn't say anything... My voice was gone for awhile and my phone was turned off because I wanted to sleep..." Evan explained shakily, his voice coming in and out. Connor sat down on the bed and pulled Evan onto his lap, reaching down to kiss him softly.

     "What can I do?" He whispered, watching the blush become brighter on Evan's face. 

     "Get off of me because you're gonna get sick." Evan giggled a little, kissing Connor's cheek quickly. Connor shook his head, wrapping his arms around the boy in front of him. Evan leaned back into him, resting his head against Connor's chest.

     "I don't care." Connor said simply as he held Evan tighter trying to warm him up. Evan sniffed, taking Connor's hand to play with in his own. He gripped on to Connor's knee at one point, squeezing his eyes shut.

     "H-Hold onto me here... I'm really dizzy, sorry..." Evan whimpered, feeling Connor quickly hold onto him where he directed on his torso. Connor knew pressure points and massaged where he thought he knew was a relief to nausea and dizziness. Evan smiled, signaling Connor had done right. They brought their lips together again, kissing as Evan gripped onto Connor's sweatshirt to regain balance. Evan pulled away quickly as he panted, collapsing against Connor a little. Connor frowned and rubbed his boyfriends back.

     "Hey, I'm sorry you're sick. It's pretty shitty, but I was online today and saw this amazing forest not to far from here... Wanna go there when you feel better?" Connor mentioned, watching Evan nod suddenly with a giant smile on his face. Connor held Evan's hand in his own, bringing it to his lips to give it a quick kiss. Evan's face was at a mutual red from being so warm, but his cheeks tinted slightly darker as Connor went out of his way to help him.

      "Ev is safe, just sick."

      Connor showed Evan the text before he sent it, making sure it was okay with him. He nodded, pressing the send button for Connor and collapsing deeper into his grasp. Connor laid down and pulled Evan down with him, taking the normal position of the big spoon and curling around Evan comfortably. 

      "Love you..." Evan murmured, holding Connor's hand that was thrown around his waist and gripping it tightly. He loved physical contact, it just calmed him down. Connor blushed a little, clearing his throat with a small cough.

      "I love you too, Evan." He whispered back, kissing his soft hair before hearing small snores coming from the boy. Connor smiled, giving Evan's hand a squeeze before closing his eyes to doze off to the sounds of his boyfriend close and safe.


a.n: oKay this was again another amazing idea from @MintLoser ,, also what do u guys think if i wrote it in like specifically in evan or connor's point of view? would that be okay? nEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SMUT ALSO IM SORRY ITS BEEN AWHILE,,

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