Pride Parade

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      Connor Murphy, an openly gay teen, stood atop a float decorated in rainbows and glitter. It was pride in his hometown. He was adorned in a rainbow thong with lace up boots up to his thigh covered in loads of glitter. He smiled and waved down at the crowd of supporters, dancing around a little and posing quite scandalously. He caught the eye of a boy who seemed to be around his age in a hideous blue polo shirt and khakis. 

     Evan was horrified. Not that he was homophobic, he was just a closeted bisexual. He didn't know what drove him to go to the pride parade, he hated crowds of people and would much rather be home, but a part of him was in some joy when he saw different floats go by him. A boy with long hair that had glitter sparkling in it stood on top of a passing float and Evan stared in awe. He caught his gaze and the boy smiled and winked at him, promptly jumping down from the float casually. it was normal at the parade. 

     "Hi sunshine! You look a little lost- can i help you? Or are you just high? That's cool too." Connor said with a huge ass grin on his face, reaching out a hand for Evan to shake.

      "O-oh! No, I'm just... Watching... Not high! I d-don't do drugs I'm j-just nervous... I'm sorry!" Evan started rambling on after shaking Connor's hand and quickly dropping it as he looked at his feet but casually glancing to Connor's thighs. 

     "Hey... It's okay. As long as you're not a homophobic asshole, or just an asshole in general, you're welcome here! I'm gay, Connor Murphy." 

     "Um I'm Evan... Hansen. I just moved here and I'm bi-bisexual..." He was blushing madly, seeing other nearly naked men and women walking around him. He was scared that people weren't going to think he was supposed to be there or he didn't fit in or he wasn't good enough to be there. He tried to breathe but gasped a little and started breathing faster and heavier.

     "Evan... How bout we go sit down over there for a sec? I promise I'm here to help... And panic attacks are pretty shitty. Just breathe... Here, hold my hand?" Connor spoke calmly as he reached out to the others hand to grab it gently and pull him to a small but comforting alleyway.

     "Th-thank yo-you..." Evan managed to hiccup out, sliding his back down against the wall until he was sitting down but shaking a lot. Connor frowned, sitting down next to the boy. He gently put his arm around Evan, looking to him to see if it was comfortable for him to do this. Evan gave a small nod as he whimpered a little through oncoming tears.

     "I get panic attacks and all that shit too... Part of my recovery is doing this sort of stuff I guess. I had an ex who got me into it really, but I've continued it long after he... Cheated on me and left me..." Connor said with a sad smile, looking up to the streamers blowing in the wind from the parade towards the boys.

     "I-I'm so so-sorry Connor..." Evan spoke softly, gently falling deeper into Connor's small embrace. He felt safe with the boy dressed only in a thong and boots, feeling if Connor was confident he could be a little too.

     "Hey, it's okay. I'm over it. I learned there are much better people in the world, like you." Connor gave a small wink, shaking out some of the glitter in his hair onto Evan.

     "Now you sparkle like me!" A certain pureness was laced in Connor's voice, almost like a smile carried through out through the words he spoke.

     Evan laughed a little, a small smile staying evident on his face. A blush crept again over his cheeks as he looked into Connor's soft gaze and quickly averted his vision in embarrassment.

     "Hey- it's okay if you don't want to, but you wanna try going up on the float? With me, of course. I have a spare pair of these sequined pride boxers-" Connor said, his eyes lighting up with ideas.

     "M-me? W-w-why would anyone want to see me? I'm ugly and..." Evan shook his head, he wanted to go and be with Connor and share his confidence, but his self consciousness took over him.

     "You, Evan Hansen, are the prettiest boy here today. I mean it." Connor said with a smirk, giving Evan's nose an affectionate poke. He pulled Evan closer into his arms, smiling down at the boy.


     "Yes! Yes you are! Don't fight me on this. I'll win. C'mon, try these on." Connor pulled out the pride boxers, which had many different pride flags covering different parts of them. 

     "I won't look if you change." Connor said encouragingly. He really wanted to help the boy come out of his shell but he wasn't going to push him to far if he didn't want it.

     "O-okay..." Evan stripped from his polo shirt and shorts, then his blue boxers and quickly pulling on the sequined boxers.

     Connor looked around after Evan had changed, mouth opening at the sight before him.

     "It's perfect, Evan. You're beautiful, I mean, damn." Connor was impressed at his work, and impressed at how well the boxers shaped Evan's ass.

     "Y-you wanna g-go on the fl-float...? I mean it's okay if you don't want to with me bu-but-" 

     "Shh. Let's go." Connor grabbed Evan's hand again, the boys running back and hoping onto a float. Connor stood behind Evan proudly, placing his hands softly onto Evan's hips which earned him Evan's ass pressing against his dick slowly.

     "Comfortable?" Connor whispered as he cheered into the crowd, letting people throw glitter and shit on them.

     "C-couldn't be be-better..." Evan murmured, smiling bright. He wiggled his ass playfully against Connor's hips to tease him and the crowd a little, then turning around to kiss Connor full on the lips. Connor was surprised by the smaller boy's confidence and kissed back firmly, pulling Evan closer than imaginable to him. He pulled away for just a second.

     "Fuck yea!" Connor yelled in delight, rocking Evan back and fourth in joy as he held his hips protectively.

     "Fuck yea!" Evan repeated back so that just Connor could hear him, and reconnected their lips once more.


a.n: it's late and im tired but i wanted to write fanfic so heres some gays 

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