Her Brother

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     Evan was a nervous mess as he was currently at Zoe Murphy's house working on a project for school. He didn't know her very well and his social anxiety was kicking in to the point where he was having a small panic attack. Zoe probably thought he was some weirdo freak from school who couldn't even handle being around one person. He started shaking as they sat at the kitchen counter of the Murphy household planning out ideas for their project.


     "H-huh? S-sorry what?"

     "Can you pay attention maybe? We need to get this done..." Zoe grumbled, pulling out her phone probably to text her girlfriend Alana about how annoying he was.

      "S-sorry... Y-yea I was thinking w-we could-" Evan was cut off by the opening and slamming of the door, and then a tall boy with long curly hair walking in.

     "Ugh. Great. You're here." 

    "Nice to see you too, sis." Connor said with an eye roll, suddenly noticing Evan and feeling his heart skip a beat. He had liked Evan for awhile and was surprised, and quite frankly jealous, to see him with Zoe in his house. 

     "Hi... Evan." He spoke slowly, quickly noticing the boy was shivering a little. He saw Evan's lost expression and started inferring what was going on. 

     "He-hello..." Evan said suddenly turning bright red and looking down at his shoes. Connor could probably see him having a panic attack. Zoe could care less but Evan knew Connor was nice enough to notice, or maybe Evan just wanted him to notice so he could help him.

     "Um? Hello? Back to work. The sooner this is done the sooner I can meet up with Alana!" Zoe said snapping her fingers between the boys, sighing with sarcasm.

     "Hey, go easy on him Zo. Anyways, I'll be upstairs."

    "Whatever. Just open your window if you're gonna smoke."

     "I already told you. I'm quitting." Connor yelled down as he was well on his way upstairs.

     "Mhm sure."

       "U-um Z-zoe...? I-I was thinking m-maybe w-we could do the pr-project on e-equality...? Like... f-fair treatment in the s-school for all races, g-genders, and sexuality's...?" Evan spoke out quietly, suddenly incredibly self conscious of his stutter with Connor in the house. Something about that boy did something to him.

     "Sounds good! So, I'm gonna go pick up some stuff and you can... start designing the poster! Okay? Alright. Bye!" Zoe said with a naughty tone in her voice, she was probably planning to quickly go hang out with Alana so she could get away from Evan. But Evan was horrified at staying at the house almost alone while having a panic attack.

     "B-bye!" Evan called out but Zoe was already out the door. He sat at the Murphy's kitchen table and started breathing heavily. He felt tears start streaming down his face and hated himself for crying in a nearly strangers house. He pressed his nails into the palms of his hands as hard as he could until a little blood started coming out. 

     "Zoooeeee the internet is down and- Oh... Hi again." Connor came moaning down the stairs, then quickly realizing that it was only a crying Evan home. Evan made a small noise of fear, his eyes full of terror as Connor looked directly at him.

     "Hey, are you okay? Holy shit you're bleeding, Evan, what's going on?" Connor started rambling on, grabbing towels and rushing to Evan's side. He looked into the boys eyes and saw pain and anxiety.

    "It's no-nothing... I-I just... G-get an-anxiety..." Evan choked on his words, feeling embarrassed. He was so afraid that Connor would tell someone or that Connor would laugh at him but a part of him knew that Connor was safe to be around. He locked eye contact with Connor and let the tears continue rolling down his softly blushed cheeks.

     "Can I do anything...? I have crippling depression according to my therapist so I know how it feels. I'm right here, can you take some deep breaths for me?" Evan nodded, inhaling and exhaling softly, letting his breathing slow down a little as he continued to stare at Connor.

    "T-tha-thank you..." 

     "I'm always here if you need help, Zoe can be a little scary. Even to me. I can tell her to fuck off if you want." Connor said with a small smirk. He kind of hated his sister, especially if she was scaring Evan. He wanted to wrap his arms around the boy and hold him tight, but he knew Evan would hate him if he did.

     "S-she's o-okay... I'm just... A-annoying..." 

     "Evan. You're the nicest person in our shitty school. You can always make people smile. You're so adorable it's almost hard to comprehend." Connor laughed lightly, before realizing what he had just said. His pasty white skin turned a deep red and he averted Evan's gaze. He knew Evan would hate him. He knew Evan was ready to cry even more. He knew he had probably ruined Evan's life.

     "Y-you mean it...? I-I'm not... Bu-but you're like, t-the adorable one, y-your hair is so cute..." Evan said quietly, looking to meet Connor's soft gaze. He took Connor's hand in his own and held it, it helped ground him. Connor squeezed the boy's hand lightly, in shock of what Evan was doing.

     "Here... Let's go to the sofa, it's a lot more comfy there..." Connor lead Evan to the couch, holding his arm around him so that he could walk stably. The boys collapsed onto the couch and Evan immediately sunk into Connor's side. 

     "I-is this okay?" Evan spoke so quietly that Connor almost couldn't hear him. Connor nodded quickly, reaching out a nervous arm around Evan's shoulders to calm down his shaking. Evan continued to take deep breaths as he curled into Connor's side. He felt safe, which was strange since Connor probably hated him like Zoe did. But Evan valued physical contact in panic attacks, so if he could get it he would accept it.

     "I'm sorry... I-I'm pro-probably bothering y-you and y-you're probably not even q-queer..." Evan slapped a hand over his mouth, having said to much. Tears started rushing out of his eyes quickly. He retracted from Connor's embrace and hid his face into a pillow on the couch.

     "Evan Hansen. I'm gay as fuck. Like, really gay. And you couldn't possibly bother me, even if you tried. I-I really like, like actually, like you..." Connor managed to say the last bit in the most awkward way imaginable, but Evan ignored it and looked up from hiding to meet Connor's eyes with his own tearing eyes.

     "I l-like you too Connor..." Connor scooted closer to Evan again, holding him with both arms and Evan melting into Connor's chest. Connor held his hand on the side of Evan's face, wiping away the tears with his thumb. The boys felt there faces pulling towards each other and soon their lips were locked in a connection of pure bliss. It was quick and simple, and as soon as they pulled away, both Evan and Connor smiled and brought their lips to meet again.

     "T-there's nowhere I'd rather be..."  

     "Me too."


a.n: thiS is shitty but (kinda???) requested by @hannah1452z im v tired so bye




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