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     Connor sat lazily in a plastic chair placed in a circle inside a brightly lit room. A woman with a bright, fake smile sat at the top of the circle and waved to Connor. He rolled his eyes, exhaling annoyed. He was at rehab, and it was "sharing time", like sharing your progress. Connor had smuggled in his stash so it didn't matter to him, and he spent his time instead playing with his boot laces. 

     "Alright, let's start with... Evan! You're new here, care to tell your story?" The woman spoke with a voice you would use for a child, and it made Connor cringe. He looked over to where the woman motioned and his eyes widened at seeing the new boy, he was much cuter than any of the other druggies around the center. 

     "I-I got ad-addicted... to me-meds for anx-anxiety..." Evan had an obvious stutter, but Connor continued to gaze at him with loving eyes. Evan was tapping his fingers on his chair nervously, wishing he had his pills with him. He made eye contact with a boy with long hair for a second, blushing and quickly looking back to the tile flooring.

    "Okay, it's good you're getting help. Anyone else want to share? Let's here from you Connor." The woman gave Connor a wicked smile, then relaxing back to normal. 

     "I still like weed." Connor said gruffly, getting up from his chair to leave. He felt he had participated enough and left abruptly. 

     "We'll get over that soon!" The woman called after him, sighing as she took a sip from her water bottle which Connor assumed was filled with alcohol. Evan watched the boy leave in awe, jealous of how confident he was. He threw a look to the woman before getting up slowly to scurry out the door as well. He caught up to Connor and slowed his pace down enough so they walked in tune to each other. Connor became rigid, looking down at the shorter boy next to him.

    "Don't be so scared of her. She's really a bitch, but she won't actually try to help you or anything." 

    "O-Oh okay... Th-Thanks..." Evan mumbled out, quickly smelling the weed on Connor's breath as he spoke. 

     "H-How'd you get it in?" 

    "Hm? Oh. It was easy. Stuck it in my boxers... They're polite enough here not to check there." He laughed softly as he ran a hand through his hair. 

    "W-Wish I'd thought of th-that..." 

    "Dude, no. Weed is one thing but some of those anxiety meds can be really dangerous... It's good if they can help you."

    "I'd ra-rather be dead honestly..." Evan smiled up to Connor, and Connor felt part of him hurt for the boy he had just met. He knew the feeling, it was the main reason he had gotten addicted to weed. It helped him forget about everything. 

    "Don't say that. You're gonna get better. I'm gonna help you, I don't want you to end up like me." Connor said with a determined edge in his voice. He had found one person that didn't seem to hate him and he wanted to be able to befriend Evan.

     "N-No! I ju-just want to get out of here... I want to d-die. Yo-You don't even know me so lea-leave me alone and I-I'll be able to go easily..."

    "Evan, if I can save anyones life I will. This place is shitty but it isn't worth dying over." 


     "Nope." Connor spoke with an edge to his voice that Evan hadn't picked up on before. He decided to just nod so he didn't have to speak anymore.

    "Wanna come over to my room?" Connor stated simply, trying to smile down to Evan. 


Dear Evan Hansen One Shots // TreebrosWhere stories live. Discover now