Chapter 66

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The chatter and noise from guests moving about in Brinonberg Palace causes Dekker to stir in his bed. He slowly opens his eyes and stretches. A smile creeps across his face as he recalls the kiss from the night before. Though he hasn't stopped thinking about it since it happened, confusion crosses his mind as he wonders how he truly feels about Tristany. When he saw her last, she was just a young girl and he thought of her as a little sister. Thoughts of how she's changed into a beautiful young woman begin to consume him as his true feelings for her start to emerge. He quickly jumps out of bed and heads for the window as he worries that Tristany may be leaving with the other guests. He peeks out at the dimly lit inner courtyard and notices Baschera sitting in the bleachers.

Dekker quickly grabs a fresh set of clothing and dresses himself as fast as he can. After putting on his tunic and trousers, he pulls on his boots and heads out the door. He moves swiftly through the first floor halls of the castle's south wing until he comes upon an entryway to the inner courtyard. As Dekker enters, he notices Baschera still in the same spot, carving intricate designs into a slender piece of wood with his knife.

"What are you making?" questions Dekker as he approaches Baschera.

"It will be a flute when I'm done with it. The last one I made broke before I got the chance to learn how to play it," explains Baschera.

"So what's the matter?" asks Dekker as he sits next to him.

"Why does something have to be wrong?" questions Baschera in an annoyed tone.

"Because you generally only take the time to create things when you're upset about something," reveals Dekker.

Baschera smiles. "Am I that predictable?"

"Yeah, pretty much," declares Dekker with a grin.

Baschera sighs. "I already slept with every woman here at the palace worth sleeping with, and now I'm bored. So, my boredom has brought back thoughts of Fallon."

"Well, I'm sure things with her will be cleared up soon enough. Ezra is generally pretty good at finding out the truth. So it's just a matter of time," assures Dekker.

"True, but the truth can't come quick enough," admits Baschera. "Oh, and sorry for my rude behavior last night."

"Thank you," acknowledges Dekker.

"I've just been on edge and need something to keep my mind busy. That's why I'm going to head to Gelwyn with Zane after lunch. Charles could use the help and I need to get away from the palace for a few weeks. Having Fallon this close without knowing the truth is driving me insane," continues Baschera.

"Well, before you leave, I need to talk to you about something," insists Dekker.

"Alright," agrees Baschera.

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