Chapter 59

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Zane stirs as light creeps through the large curtains hanging over the open balcony of the Prince's Chamber at Brinonberg Palace

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Zane stirs as light creeps through the large curtains hanging over the open balcony of the Prince's Chamber at Brinonberg Palace. He opens his eyes as he rolls toward Rose. He smiles as he notices her resting on top of the blanket completely nude while facing him. He stares at her as she sleeps until she opens her eyes.

"Good morning," she announces with a smile.

"Any morning is a good one when I wake to see you like that," he admits as he scoots closer to her. He kisses her on the lips and moves down to her neck as he wraps his arms around her. "I wish I could stay in bed with you like this all day, but Asher wants to meet with me this morning."

"We shall have plenty of days where you may have me like this all day if you like," she agrees with a smile.

"Bless the gods!" he emphasizes as he kisses her chest and makes loud eating noises.

She giggles. "You better quit or you'll never leave the room," she claims.

"You are very right," he admits as he kisses her one last time before he jumps out of bed. He crosses the large chamber and enters the enclosed changing room to grab a fresh set of clothes. Instead of undressing in the changing room, he steps back into the bedroom portion of the chamber and drops his trousers where Rose can see.

"Why do you have to tease me like that?" she scolds with a smile.

"I was just evening the score," he smirks as he pulls on the new trousers and tunic.

"Why do you hate me?" she questions with a laugh.

"You have no room to talk," he argues as he pulls on his boots. "You were quite the tease not so long ago."

"That's alright. I'll remember this tonight. Maybe today I'll go shopping for a new nightgown. One that you can't see through," she proclaims with a smirk.

"You go ahead and do that. It won't do you any good though. I'll just take my tunic off and you won't be able to resist," he retorts with a smile as he quickly exits the room, making sure he gets the last word. He heads for the King's Chamber and finds Asher already entering the hallway.

"Just the man I was coming to find," admits Asher.

"Strange timing," laughs Zane as they walk together toward Baschera's room. "What did you want to see me about?

"Well, I thought since we are honoring you tonight, I figured I would make a day of it and take you to see Shadow Court as well," answers Asher as he stops in front of Baschera's room. "However, I'm still not comfortable leaving Isabel's side, so I thought Baschera could go in my place.

"I have to admit, I've been anxious to see it," reveals Zane.

"Good," accepts Asher as he knocks on Baschera's door.

"Come in!" Baschera announces with annoyance.

They enter the room to find Baschera still in bed, fully clothed and alone for the first time. He stretches and yawns loudly before sitting up. "What's up?" he asks.

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