Chapter 28

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Baschera sits atop the carriage next to his driver with a watchful eye as they finally near the South Bridge that crosses King's Cove to Brinon Isle

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Baschera sits atop the carriage next to his driver with a watchful eye as they finally near the South Bridge that crosses King's Cove to Brinon Isle. He watches each passing ship and small fishing vessels like a hawk preparing to dive on its prey. As they exit the bridge and enter Brinonberg, he watches Guardsmen and Soldiers scrambling to post guard at the edge of the road for their protection. "News of our attack must have reached Asher," Baschera points out to his driver.

His driver nods in agreement as he too feels a bit of relief. Still a bit on edge, they watch the crowds of people for signs of an attack as they pass through the city. They grow tired of looking and eventually forget about the possibility of an attack when the thousands of faces in the crowd start to blend together as they finally near the castle entrance. The large exterior metal gate slams down into the cobblestone road behind Baschera's carriage, startling he and his driver as they enter the palace courtyard. Lord Garrin and Gregor are already dismounted and being greeted by Asher as Baschera's carriage stops.

"Your highness," nods Garrin and Gregor as Asher approaches.

Asher embraces Garrin and then shakes Gregor's hand. "I'm glad to see you made it safely. I heard you ran into a bit of trouble along the way," reveals Asher.

"More than a bit, but nothing we couldn't handle thanks to Gregor and Lord Baschera," confesses Garrin.

"They definitely weren't prepared for the skill we brought to the fight," adds Baschera as he approaches.

"It's good to see you cousin," discloses Asher as he bear hugs Baschera. "I'm glad you guys are here. It hasn't felt like home. Where are Dekker and Zane?"

"Zane still wasn't well enough to travel so Dekker stayed back to watch over he and Rose," responds Garrin.

"Good. I had hoped Dekker would look out for him," adds Asher.

"Who the hell is Zane?" questions Baschera with a confused look on his face.

"He was the young man staying at my house," responds Garrin.

Baschera looks at Garrin with an even more confused look.

"He was Rose's date to the masquerade ball," explains Garrin trying to refresh his memory.

"Zane accompanied Rose to the masquerade ball?" asks Asher with excitement.

"They are courting now Your Highness," answers Garrin.

"Good for them!" replies Asher. "I had a feeling about them two."

"Oh don't start with your matchmaking wizardry crap again. I've heard enough of that to last a lifetime. I still don't know who the hell you're talking about though," adds Baschera.

"Good lord Basch! He's the one that everyone is calling Rebel Slayer. The one who used Gregor's Light spell and wiped out Willow Grove and a few dozen rebels," retorts Asher.

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